Saturday, July 14, 2007

The World Is Shrinking!

I know it’s almost 2 and I have something important to do tomorrow but I just can’t wait any more second to blurt out all these thoughts in my head. Let me just start here..
  • Along Ima is now doing her masters in ENT in HUKM. Her head of department is Atikah’s father’s brother. In simple words, Dr. S@ni is tikah’s uncle. Atikah is my old friend since in smkj2 and we happened to be roommates mase form 4 kat langkawi. And her father, Dr. L@tiff kenal imr@n k0yube, my senior in college and insyaAllah in Leicester.

  • Kak sue is my brother’s wife. In simple words, she’s my sis-in-law. She has a cousin of my age, Kh@irun who is currently doing law in uia. And she happens to be a roommate to my old friend in maahad, Ulf@h yang aku ada kisah sejarah tersendiri dgn Ulf@h ni. Ulf@h has a sister in sbpigm whom used to be anid’s friend when she was there back in 2004. And Kh@irun is also connected to syik n @im@n, my langkawi friends.

  • Neli has mentioned to me once about GuruBe$@r and so I signed in the C$ forum and berkenalan dgn cikgu2 n student kat situ. I’ve mentioned about GuruBe$@r’s wife, Dr. Int@n kan?? Yes, she’s Angah Aya’s colleague in Engineering Department, UPM.

  • I was with Mum, waiting for @nid kat jasin. And then, an aunty with manner suddenly approached us and bertegur sapa la kan. We talked for a while until she asked me, “belajar mana skrg?”. “KYu3M”. “Ooow, aunty ada anak sedara kat sana. M@rdhiy@h $H@@ri. Kenal???”. M@r is my chem. and bio classmate and also my coursemate so technically, I know her VERY well.

  • I was browsing the net long long ago, hopping from one photography site to another. Then I stumbled upon this one website [can’t remember the url] and the photographer’s name is bro zul. And he happens to be one of the $FC$ students. And you know what?? Bro Zul was Along Ima and Angah Aya’s wedding photographer!!! And aku dulu penah ade crush kat Bro Zul. Hahahaha.. Ok, tu cerita lame.

  • Remember @litt? No?? Ok x kesah la. He has a friend named W3nk. W3nk has another friend, mirul who’s currently a med student in Ukraine. Aku kenal mirul ni dah lame, ade la dalam 2 tahun lebih. And then I checked his blog sometime ago and I found out, mirul ni member pulak ngan @rg3n, my senior in college. Hmm..
Actually there are dozens more but I can’t really call them to mind. But what really makes me to put up this entry is this:
  • I was wasting my time as usual, browsing friendster and looking for old friends. Then, out of nowhere, a name of “Dina” caught my attention. Ok fine la bukan aku sorg name dina. Tapi aku saje je la click. Eh, hensem plak pakwe die. Name pon firdaus. I’m not sure if you remember anything about a guy named “Fird aka Firdaus” but he used to be someone. But anyways, browse punye browse punye browse, she has an aunty. And guess what? Her aunty is Pn. R@ih@n P@le$tin!!!! Pn. R@ih@n is one of the top people in F0rum K0munik@$i @lumni ESQ!! Mase ni pun aku dah ber”wah wah wah” sorang2. Heh.. Pastu masuk la blog Kak Dina ni. Ooow, rupe2nye firdaus tu bukan pakwe die tapi tunang, nak kawen dah *melepas laaa!!!* and guess what????? *second time dah ni* Kak Dina punye wedding photographer is GuruBe$@r $@iful N@ng and the geng from $FC$!!!! Ya Allahhh, keciknye dunia!!!
I sat in silence for a moment, thinking about all these, how the world can be so small, just SO TINY. And I can’t imagine the endless connections I have with the rest of the world. It makes me realise how small we are, and how wide and infinite the knowledge of HIS that we don’t have. There are so many signs and symbols around us that bring us back to who we really are but yet we tend to ignore. Kan?? We often forget betapa Maha Mengetahui and Maha Besar Allah kan??

Out of all this mystery, I have been looking for someone since a couple of years back but there’s just no way I could reach that person. Sekecik2 dunia ni, tak pernah walau sekali pun I’m connected to that person. Well, you know who. But if you don’t, don’t bother to find out, he’s no one.

When the world can be so small, why are we keep on bragging about ourselves who worth nothing?

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