Monday, October 15, 2007

Of feeling pleased

Sometimes, when you think you can live on your own, you don’t need other people to make your life more evocative. I mean, all important people that you need are beyond your reach and you might just say to yourself, “Oh well, everything will be fine. These people I have around are more than enough to make me feel happy here,”. You think you’d be able to keep everything on pace; your emotions, your needs, your dislikes etc. And for that, you’re a true pretentious person who lives in a world of make-believe.

And to be honest with myself, I might be that kind of person, at times. Not until I realise that I actually need ‘other people’ to give me comfort once in a while.

“Jaga kesihatan tu sket. Sejuk2 ni, wear warm clothes, ok? Makan vitamin C and minum air banyak2. Jangan sibuk jaga camera tp kesihatan sniri tak terjaga. Kalau teruk sangat, nanti jumpa doc tau. Kalau melarat nanti susah. Get well soon ok. S doakan deyna cepat sembuh..”

To me, those are the simplest words you can say to a person who is suffering from a bad flu, like MOI~ I don’t know why I was so emotionally affected when S told me that. I mean, he is someone whom I’m not so close to, and we rarely chat in ym and at right this moment, when I just need some sort of support, he turned up. And if I must say, I really need that badly. But it’d be more beautiful if Mum said that though. But I don’t want to make Mum worried. I know I’d just be fine..

And that brought me to another thought: When you think you’re alone and no one is there to acknowledge your presence, HE is always there to listen to your heart :)

Allah is sufficient for us and He is an Excellent Guardian and we repose our trust in Allah.
P/S: Thanx a lot, S. It’s very very nice and thoughtful of you..


izyankhairuo said...

Salam dina,

waa lama sgt tak update ngn awak..uhuh sorry sgt2. kite sgt2 busy skrg. this week will be the worst kot (or maybe not) sbb byk due dates. tadi alhamdulillh baru lepas 1 project presentation;) so 1 can be ticked off from the list! Ya Allah penat dah rase.. dgn tetiba ade other unexpected problem jugak.. nak nangis, tak selesai masalah, nak jerit, pun tak selesai masalah, nak buat bodo, pun lagi la tak selesai masalah..tapi 'la yukallifullah hunafsan illa wus'aha' kan.. so i hope for the best frm Allah out of everything.

hope that things are all good with u. be strong overthere! (ceh ckp org pandai!;p) coz i know u are. kalau susah blaja tu, tutup mata bulat jwpn je!(heh mcm la tu problem nye kan;p).

alamak sorry la dina tetiba semakkn comment section ni! semak gile plak tu! awk tgh flu eh. ei jahatnye virus tu! saje je dtg kat dina kan!;) get well soon tau.. seriously kte rindu ngn korang.(nak balik lgkw tgk shooting star..blh ke?)

"all important people that you need are beyond your reach and you might just say to yourself, “Oh well, everything will be fine." - how true.

sedar tak sedar, lagi sebln je kte nak amik finals(adoi), which means lagi 2 bln je lagi b4 balik m'sia!!hehe

doodliey said...

waaa izy nk blk mesia dh.. x aci!!!! hehe..sowi dina kte semakkan comment page awak nih.. but i hope u get well soon.. sabarlaa byk2 yer bebs.. la tahzan wa la takhaf..innallaha maana... luv u..miss u.. =)

-me suffering of homesickness too-

izyankhairuo said...

hehe;p jom balik m'sia!

deynarashid said...

izy- alaaaaaa jom la datang uk!! bile lg kite nak jumpe awk!! huhu.. waaaa sgt rinduuuu~ sob2.. i'm sure awk dah sedikit bebas by now so, tahniah!!! anda berjaya melalui hari2 assignment!! hehe..

nazi- eh budak tu baru sampai dah nak balik, tembak kang. huhu.. ape ni, tetibe emotional, rindu gile kat korang. sob2..