Monday, September 05, 2005

A person where the vigour lies

Have you heard of a magazine called Education Quarterly (EQ)? Well, I first heard it today so if you have not, it’s nothing to be blamed. Or perhaps I am the only one who doesn’t know about it. Anyway, basically the mag is all about higher education not just evolved over the nation but also all around the world. It’s a good and highly readable magazine indeed. It’s an absolute recognisable.

Well, I was actually being asked to read an article for the English presentation tomorrow and that was how I’m introduced to this mag. And while I was flipping through the pages, I stumbled upon this article of which entitled ‘London is Education’. I don’t know what the article is all about because I have not gone through the whole thing. What the first thing that caught my eyes was: Was Dr. Johnson right to say, “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life”? Nik Nazmi thinks so..

And I was like “Wow! Nik Nazmi!”. Despite the fact that he was once a KYUEM student who is now the President of AKYUEM (Alumni of KYUEM), he is indeed a very educated and respectably knowledgeable. Before he enrolled in KYUEM, he was from MCKK. I reckon Abg Amir knows him since he is one year junior to Abg Amir. And then he furthered his study in King’s College, London, reading law. Yep, a good educational establishment, right? That does not stop there. Read this on, and then you will get astonished by him.

And what publications do you write for?
I write essays and commentaries in Bahasa Malaysia and English for a variety of publications including Malaysiakini, Education Quarterly, Aliran Monthly, Asia Times Online, IslamicCity and Kakiseni. The BBC World Service, Channel News Asia and Warna FM have also asked me to contribute for their programs.”

Yep, you’ve guessed it. Gempak gile!

Do you know the new high-powered attorney of MAS? I don't know what's the name but certainly somebody who has an important job to do with MAS, he is just 34 years old, I repeat, 34 (!!) and was elected to be the frontrunner to be the next MAS CEO! I've read one article pertaining to this issue about one man (Richard Teo) who resents against it. Richard is impressed with his academic qualifications (he's a Cambridge graduate) but what he doubts is the experience of a young man of 34 in running a huge company like MAS. Well, something like that, I'm not sure.
I was wondering if Nik will be somebody important one day. He is simply impressive!! Kalau nak carik someone yg hebat mcm ni boleh tak? Berwawasan? Yea right. Totally a mere wishful thinking! Haih..


Anonymous said...

salute salute. encik ujang tak cukup berwawasan ke? ngeh~ tak boleh memilih sgt. kene bersyukur dgn ape yg kita ade

deynarashid said...


ish..tak ah,kwn je

Anonymous said...

sape encik ujang?aish dina. sejak bile ni huh-im