Thursday, November 17, 2005

better service..more tax?

You know what I’ve been thinking of just now? Since everybody’s talking about watching Harry Potter that is being screened in cinema starting from today, there’ll be 2 buses to Mid Valley this weekend. And I don’t fancy at all stampeding into the cinema. I’d rather wait for another couple of weeks regardless being the first to watch! I’m going to watch it after all. Don’t have to be the first 100 people to watch and bragging about that do I? So I’ve thought of going back home and watch it with anid n icah n along ima n angah aya for the midnight show (that would be even cooler!) but since we’re going to JB this weekend, tak jadik laa kot kan. And I’m not available for the next two weeks as well. So, I have been thinking of going when my break starts. And I called anid just now, hoping that it would be good news. But to my disappointment…

Me: Hello anid ko katne?
Anid: Aku kat klcc ngan kawan.
Me: Ko tgk harry potter ke?
Anid: Mesti laaaa. Takkan tengok chicken little kot?
Me: *cis x gune…* Ramai tak? Bla bla bla…
Anid: Ramai gile babs. yada yada yada..
Me: Maknenye aku tgk ngan icah je ah?
Anid: Sorry la na.. icah tengok ngan kawan die esok!
Me: *cis!!!* Maknenye aku kene tgk sorg la kot?
Anid: Haha.. desperate je bunyik
Me: Tak gune.. Ye laa..maknenye aku kene tgk ngan pakwe aku laa kot?
Anid: Ade ke? Advance eh ko ni. Hahah..kalau ade, silela kan.
Me: Cis..perli.. takpe2.. aku tengok ngan dad ah. Dpt gold class jgn jeles! Hahahah *gelak cover*
Anid: Kalau ko berjaye ajak dad pegi mmg ko telah mencipte sejarah ah na. hahah..

In conclusion, mari laa kite tengok chicken little beramai2. Hahaha.. comel je chicken little tu.

Anyways.. my econs class had started last week. Since we’re only going to have about 2 weeks to go through the first chapter and might forget everything during the break (heha!) so Mr. Conquest suggested starting everything after the break! Yay! Memahami jugak pakcik tu. Huhu.. So I’m not going to have econs class this Monday morning and might as well be back to college that morning instead of rushing from JB the night before.

And just now, we started off the introduction quite well. Never thought my econs class would be that fun since all the pupils are basically my classmates for other subjects especially Ozz, Momad and Loh yg same classmate for all a-level subjects!! Boring gile tgk muke diorg! Heh.. takdela, they are funny and brilliant of course. Being in the group, there’s always something to be brought up and has favourable discussion on it. That’s fairly a bonus innit?

So just now, we chatted (not really was kinda informal) basically about the economical issues through out the nation i.e. Unemployment graduates, Corruption, a rise in fuel price and other affairs as well. What caught my attention was when sir came up with a scenario where doctors are bounded with the Government (public sector) for certain years before they could transfer to private sectors, which they definitely will. When this happens, the gap in terms of the service and proficiency between the publics and the privates becomes more obvious. I’m not trying to discriminate or being prejudice or whatever but the fact that this is true; doctors in Malaysia are not willing to work in public sectors especially for a long term (and especially during the horsemanship period!! Penat wei!) because of their insufficiency payment and a very inadequate service provided. Thus, they will certainly moved into a better place, which is the private healthcare! You get what I mean?

And for doctors who graduated from overseas, their chances to be hired and get trained in overseas hospitals are much higher than those locally graduated who unlikely will come across such big opportunity. By the end of the day, those overseas doctors do not have the intention to come back to Malaysia due to their well-paid job in overseas. When it comes to this kind of problem, people will question why the Gov could not raise the payment for doctors, right? Apparently, when the payment for doctors is being raised, the tax must be increased as well. And when the people are being asked again whether they are willing to pay more tax or not, they definitely reluctant to do so. That is how the cycle works. Nobody should be pinned with blame. I bet everybody agrees with that. Thank God I’m only bounded with the Gov for 3 years! (time kaceh MARA =)) not like JPA scholars who are bounded with the Gov for 10 years! Fuih..jenuhhhhhh!~

Lepastu ade laa masalah kenapa doctor kat oversea tanak balik Malaysia jugak sebab, lets say that this one doctor kerja kat oversea and has been trained as a gynae. Tibe2 balik Malaysia kene jadik paediatrician pulak. Sebab takde vacancy for gynae lagi. Ape kess kan? Lepastu cakap laa yg doktor2 ni tak berterime kasih kat sponsor yg bg scholar dulu laa, lupa daratan laa. Bayangkan laa, doktor tu is a mere human jugak. Belajar 6-7 tahun nak jadik doktor, last2 kerja seribu 2ribu je. Bukan nak kate nak kejar dunia or materialistik ke ape, life zaman sekarang mmg mcm tu. Nak buat camne. Lepastu corruption2 sume tu, salah siapa? Last2 in the end, Mr. Conquest said, wherever we go, there’s always a relation between this kind of thing and politics. Mmg tak bleh lari masalah2 besar mcm ni dengan politik. So, kesimpulannye.. majulah sukan untuk negare! Haha merepek dah ni..

Hmmm.. I’ve got tonnes of things to share here but time envies me and I have to go. I’ve got assignments to be done and class starts at 830 tomorrow.. pastu ptg ade basketball, malam ade silat pulak. Hadoi penat!!!! Ok, enough crap. Nite!


Anonymous said...

hahaha...sian tengok sorang-sorang ek...herm...

memang duit memainkan peranan penting...
walaupun pada zahirnya,kita ni nampak macam hamba duit,tapi tidak pada batinnya...

aku rasa yang salah tetap doc itu jugak...sebab bagi aku,kalo doc tuh dah wat perjanjian begitu begini before die amik scholarship begitu begini,die kene ar tunaikan perjanjian tersebut...macam ko,tiga tahun,so kerja ar ngan depa tiga tahun...kalo scholar jpa 10 tahun,keje ar ngan depa 10 tahun...kalo tak sanggup keje ngan depa,bayar ar pampasan pada depa,takpun takyah amik scholarshp depa...carik scholarship yang takder aper2 perjanjian macam tuh...dalam bab tax plak...memang,kalo gaji ko besar,tax pun,insyaallah la besar...tul tak..lumrah,takder aper yang nak dikomplain kan...cuma apa yang penting,perancangan...kalo keje ngan gov pun,tak lama sangat kan...aggapla macam carik pengalaman or perbesarkan cable sebelum keje di tempat yang mewah dan bergaji besar...lagipun,tugas tetap tugas...doktor tetap doktor..tanggungjawab memang besar kan?...yang patut kita bising2kan adalah RASUAH...sedangkan belah2 atasan kuat merasuah...yang bawah2 nih?lagik dada tanya stetoskop...huhu

Anonymous said...

betul kate adun sepang.diorg dah bbiaya korg berjuta2 and tak payah ganti blk, tibe2 korg bersenang lenang menikmati kat tmpt org lain.yg perlukan doktor negare sniri jugak,knape masih perlu bekerja utk ngr org?diorg dah mmg byk dgn doktor pakar, ngr kita ni??

Anonymous said... feels like kacang lupakan kulit...beside...takder saper nak tolong naikkan negara kita yang tengah nak maju kalo bukan orang kita sendiri...bukan bermaksud aku nih patriotik sangat,cuma sedih,bile kitepesakit terpaksa membayar harga yang mahal kepada pakar2 dari luar,sedangkan kita mungkin mempunyai pakar2 sendiri yang maybe lebih pakar...herm...hahhaa...

Anonymous said...

alalalala cian die nengok sorg2 ek. pegi la tengok dgn mr ren! lagi desperate kot.haaahhaah....jgn mare!

ni blog memperjuangkan hak2 doktor ke? kuikui..from my personal view, kalau nak kerje overseas boleh je. of course laa nak carik pengalaman tapi jgn laa sampai tanak balik ngr sendiri pulak. and aku rase ko akan berapi dengan pakcik anon dengan penyataannye '..bersenang lenang menikmati..blabla..' saba ye kak. hahahah

so hows jb??? bagus pun ko tk sggh. aku pegi umah uncle aku kat mrlmau.smpt sggh umah mentua? kekekeke lek2 dina. aku gurau je

deynarashid said...

being bounded with the gov is not a bad thing. malah, ia menjanjikan doktor2 tu tmpt utk bekerje. drpd menganggur,baik keje ngan gov. cumeeee..the scenario is, doctor tetap manusia, bukan robot. so diorg x bleh ar nak kerja 3hr berturut2 without having any break. bayangkan, hari ni kerja pastu malam ade oncall smpai pagi pastu kerje straight smpi petang. tak ke mati? kalau sehari due takpe, kalau setahun? ok pun sanggup la bekerja siang malam, terpakse menggadaikan segale2nye..cewah...tapi, kerja pegi petang siang malam, gaji byk tu je. ok fine laa, itulah namenye sanggup bergadai harta dan nyawe. pastu, beberape thn lepas gaji dah naik sket. sebab???anak menteri ape ntah baru jadik doc. nampak x? gaji kalo nak naik boleh je. negare mampu,bukannye tak mmpu. tp nak tunggu anak raje jadik doctor dulu kot? berbanding dgn overseas, hari ni kerja, malam oncall, esok break. boleh laa jugak hidup. gaji mmg byk laa. tp tu x kesah. yg penting doctor ni x patut di layan mcm robot. gov patutnye memberi break after oncall semalaman tu. tak pun memberi gaji yg berpatutan. overall ni cite pasal time housemanship yg membawa maut tu la. dlm bab tax pulak. masyarakat komplen kenape hosp kerajaan x bagus laa, konon je pakar tp hampeh gak. byk laa komplen kan kate servis x elok laa ape la. tp kalau nak servis elok, tax naik tak sggp byr plak. so,camne? nak servis elok ke x? ok fine, kalo nak kate 'mane aci, kitorg bayar tax mahal2 pastu duit pegi kat doctor..' bayangkan laa doctor tu dah kerje melebihi had kemampuannye!! sape sggup jadik doctor kalo keje mcm tu? tp sbb memikirkan masyarakat yg memerlukan doctor, diorg pun sggp la kerje cam nak mati. tp takkan laa diorg x dpt pape in return? bukan nak suruh bagi gaji berpuluh ribu cume berpatutan laa sket dgn penat lelah dan setitik peluh yg telah doktr2 keluarkan. kesimpulannye, gov x sepatutnye bertindak kejam terhadap mereka2 ini. nak kate gov miskin, haih, tol melambak2 tu duit sume pegi mane? pastu bab keje overseas plak. mmg laa sponsor dah bermurah ht nak bg scholarship. ok fine. tp, jgn laa jadik narrow minded sgt. mcm mane negare kite nak lahirkan doctor pakar mcm pakar2 kat oversea kalau doctor2 tu sendiri tak dpt pengalaman. sponsor patut buat kontrak or pape je utk bg peluang doctor2 ni kerja n carik pengalaman before pulang ke tanah air. khas kpt encik anon, sape kate doctor bersenag lenang? sape kate doctor yg kerje kat overseas menikmati kehidupan yg bahagie kat negare org? siape kate?? haaa ni yg nak mrh ni. diorg belaja 6-7 tahun cam nak mati, pastu keje pun betambah2 laa penatnye. sape kate doctor oversea tak yah bepenat lelah? so, think before u type ye. huhu.. diorg kerje kat ngr org sbb nak carik pengalaman. bukan makan angin! pastu dah ade pengalaman baru laa berbakti kat ngr sniri plak. kalo x de penglmn camne nak bebakti kat ngr sniri???! ckp sket camne? cume, mungkin ade sesetgh doctor yg lupe daratan sbb tanak blk mesia. rasenye x perlu kot nak ulang kenape tp nampaknye anda masih x faham dgn ape yg sy tulistu, meh nak cite sket. doctor yg dah keje kat overseas, yg dah keje lame la, diorg dah ade kepakaran tertentu dlm bidang bile balik mesia, kementerian x bleh nak consider bidang mane diorg nak smbg ble blk mesia nnt. diorg dah jadik pakar mate kat us, bile blk mesia, tibe2 kene jadik pakar tulang plak, camne tu??????? encik pahe dok? maafla ye jike encik berase tidak puas ht dgn penyataan saye, sesungguhnye setiap manusia mmpunyai pandangan sendiri n this is my personal view.trimas.....

sya- fuih..jenuh! weih makcik. ko mmg jahat doh. jgn jadik mcm anid bleh x? aku ngan die xde pape ah!!!!!!!ni yg nak marah ni! tunggu black n white dulu k? hahahahahahahahahaha poyo gile dina. jb mcm tu je la, sentiase boring. cume hrtu cam ok sket sbb ko x de kat jb, so keadaan nampak lebih tenang. huhu.. kalo die ade kat jb, lagiiiiila tenang kot.hahahahahaha.. astaghfirullah...insaf laa sya oi.tolong la jgn sbut name die lg. aku tanak cite pape lg kang. haha emo lak. k,nak pi kelas!adi os <-gem's trademark. heehe

Anonymous said...

siapa adun? siape anonymous? siape arisyakamal? dan siapakah mr ren??!!!! akoo duetz

deynarashid said...

nad- ko x payah kenal kot diorg2 tu.aku pun x sure. ;p

Anonymous said...

statement yang berbaur kemarahan...memang...maner2 keja pun,akan ader rasa ketidakpuasan hatinya...takleh fact,aku pernah terpikir,kenapa gaji cikgu sikit,padahal,derang ar yang melahirkan bijak pandai...kenapa cikgu2 kat pedalaman tuh sanggup bekerja lebih masa hanya utk memastikan anak2 murid die berjaya...kerana mereka merasa mereka ada tanggungjawab yang besar...its not about money at all...even duit tuh penting,tapi balasan tuhan lebih penting sebenarnya...seteruk maner ko kerja,tapi kalo tanggungjawab ko begitu,aper yang perlu kita buat?,tunaikan tanggungjawab kita sebaik mungkin dan seikhlas mungkin.tepuk dada tanya "kenapa aku nak jadik doktor"."kenapa aku nak jadik akauntan"."kenapa aku nak jadik engineer".all that stuff.if all bout money,better jual drug...haha..cepat kaya...sekelip mata jer..aku raser gov tak fact,aku raser kadang2,gaji certain2 jawatan terlampau tinggi sedangkan masih melambak orang bawahan kat luar sane nak dapat rm50 sehari pun susah...petani contohnya,membanting tulang tengah2 panas,hujan lagi,and so on,tapi hasil yang depa dapat hanya cukup utk makan sekeluarga..nak beli kereta pun berpikir banyak aku,gaji maybe memainkan peranan penting,tapi keikhlasan serta tanggungjawab itu lebih penting...aku taknak jadi cikgu sebab aku tak sanggup mengadap tanggugjawab yang besar,so aku jadik ar akauntan...aku taknak nanti orang cakap belakang tentang tanggungjawab aku...responsibility...memang sponsorship akan buat perjanjian macam itu...depa bukan narrow minded,just depa takkan invest ke atas bende yang tidak akan memberikan pulangan kepada mereka...contohnya,jika aku nak invest dalam satu syarikat...mesti aku nak aku untung or balik modal...kalo tak,aku taknak invest dalam syarikat tuh betul tak?besides,kerja ngan gov pun leh dapat pengalaman...experience will come if you do it with passion...if u pakar dalam bende yang takde kat mesia,i think you shuld come back to mesia and bring the speciality tuh...kalo takder, be a pioneer...besarkan lagi scope kepakaran kat can be done right?"dare to take the challenge?"hahhaa....jangan emo...its not only doctor have this kind of problem...aku raser sumer professional job ader masalah nih...kesedaran itu perlu walaupun ia menyakitkan mata,hati dan telinga....aper2pun,aku memang respect ngan doktor,cikgu,petani,tukang sapu sampah,tukang jaga toilet,in fact sumer ar yang kerja penuh dedikasi...cuba bayangkan dua minggu tukang angkut sampah tu mogok,busuk ar satu mesia ye tak,bayangkan yang potong rumput tepi jalan tuh,mogok setahun,penuh lalang kat tepi jalan tuh,cuba bayangkan indah water mogok setahun...habis ar tinja2 kita semua berspah tepi

aku nak jadik akauntan gak!

deynarashid said...

betul betul..yg pntg ikhlas.. keje x ikhlas nak duit byk cam tahpape jugak ah kan. huhu.. prigtn utk dr sniri: keje bior ikhlas!!!jgn nak ngadu kat org lain kate org lain x buat keje! heh..