Friday, November 25, 2005

dive into it..and explorrrrre..

The clock is ticking away. The buses will depart at 7am tomorrow morning so I should have been on bed by now but seems like my mind is wandering around, I can’t get my eyes shut. I’m not quite sure what I’ve been thinking about. Not that I’ve been so stressed up or what, it just something that got me distracted. What thing you ask? Haha banyak sgt bende kot. Heh..

I got this quote from a book; “You know how it feels if you begin hoping for something that you want desperately badly; you almost fight against the hope because it is too good to be true; you’ve been disappointed so often before.” If you look through the phrase or rather try to interpret it, you will find it revolves around the feelings of frustration and giving something up. You might say that the person who quotes that phrase did not really obtain the thing that he or she wanted and he or she just give that thing up. But to my understanding, that ‘something’ can also be ‘someone’. It suits very well. Ni nak ckp dina tengah frust ke nih? Hahahaha.. lebih kurang ‘berhenti berharap’ ah. Hahaha.. insaflaa dina oi..

Nevertheless, I did find something that in a way had opened my heart and made me realizes that this is where my passion lies. Not that it is the hidden thing that I’ve been looking for all this while. It just creates the good mood and engages my mind away and put me out of problems. Tadi ade meeting sampai pukul 12mlm. Just meeting dengan kak AJ, Kak Zaffan dengan Kak Mus je laa pasal updates ICAN for the moment. Petang tadi ade meeting jugak. Things are going pretty much good apart from a few things that need to be considered so that they aren’t overlooked. The tension was there but not that intense. So, as I haven’t bloghopped like quite some times and I coincidentally was at my good mood to surf around the net, I got to the binx’s. There, she put up some spectacular pictures that she got from here.

Being spotting, I clicked on the link. Once I’d gotten there, sheesh, I was really dumbfounded!! Ecstasy!! * high * The pictures are sooooooooo cool and some of them did really make me wanna cry. You know why? Because they reminded me of having something that I won’t get at this period of time. They reminded me of possessing an expression that can’t be described by words. The pleasure, the bliss, the contentment and all sorts of that. And I’ve been sitting here, in front of this computer, clicking all those thousand pictures one by one since this evening. Yep, merosakkan mate. Hehe.. It just can’t be helped!! I’ve fallen in love!! Cewah jewang plak.. tapi mmg sgt excited ar. Hehe..

I don’t know why but I appreciate these so much. People keep asking me “Dina ape bende ko letak gambar kat friendster tu..” nak cakap ape pun susah, apetah lagi why; the reason I put them up. To me, of course it’s simple; because people don’t feel the way as I do. But not all people can perceive it just like that. They won’t understand. So the best answer I could give is “=) just a smile”..

I got this from the flickr thingy. It has something to do with 'The Chinese Lantern strikes again..' I don't know. I don't take lit so my interpretation might get wrong. Heh..

This popular and famous 'The Decisive Moment' was taken from Syed's. I looooove it so much that I could spend hours looking at it. Perhaps pakcik Henri tu dah jampi ke ape kat gambar tu, but I am sooo into the picture. Heh..

Anyways, just received a message from Shat "Dina kejut I esok pagi2!!". Hahaha.. me pun kene orang kejutkan jugak kot. Heh.. Ok laa, I think I should be off now. Pray for our safety go and back from the trip!!! I'll try to get as many beautiful pictures as I can (untuk tatapan diri sendiri je senornyer. haha..) Till then, enjoy the weekend!


Anonymous said...

sorry sbb tak reply your email. let me know if u've reached your college. miss ya sis! -im

deynarashid said...

sokay! miss ya too!!!

Anonymous said...

i still cannot understand how u could stand your eyes for hours, exposed to such electrons emission. elok2 tak pakai spek, tak pasal2 power naik. padan muke

deynarashid said...

lorrrrr..aku ade complain ke?