Monday, March 19, 2007

Boy, you're old :P

Today is a special day. Today is Nazme's 3rd birthday :)

Well, I have so many things to write actually but I just can't because I know I would end up crying hehe since this year would be the last year I can actually celebrate his birthday before several years to come. After this, I could only hear things about him from Mum and family. I could only talk to him through telephone and I could only see his face through pictures. I could no longer cubit nazme, cium die sampai die meluat, peluk die sampai die jerit, dengki die sampai nangis, main neopets and tengok happy tree friends. I could no longer take him for a walk kat alamanda, nyanyi lagu Bob the Builder sama-sama. I could no longer main lompat2 atas katil dengan nazme and main nyorok2 bawah duvet or see him sleeping calmly on my bed, cuddling his bottle so tightly. I could no longer play hide and seek with him, main chak2 and main kejar2. I'm sure going to miss him so badly :( I cannot imagine how I would face the day when I have to see him for the last time and being unsure if I could ever see him again. I don't know. Perhaps he's just so special to me.

You know who was the first person that I called masa Nazme lahir dulu? It was hafiz. I used to tell him that one day I want Nazme to call him Pak Apis. I used to tell hafiz that no matter what, Nazme would always be the first one in my life and he would be the second. He laughed and said "Oh I tak kisah because I want to be a very good uncle too". Hafiz anak tunggal so dia pun konon2nye sangat happy with Nazme's presence because he said, he would never have his own nephew. I once gadoh dengan hafiz sebab tak reply his messages and his calls for two days sebab penat jaga Nazme masa kecik2 dulu. Hafiz said, bila Nazme dah besar, dia nak ajar bawak bike aprilia dia tu. Memang gile. Mungkin dia agak tak waras masa tu. Huhu.. Tapi sayangnya, Nazme dah besar sekarang tapi hafiz pulak dah takde menghilang. Memang rugi. Haha.. Oh well..

Aku ingat lagi masa Nazme hilang kat alamanda dulu, memang aku rasa mcm nak bunuh diri. Tuhan je yang tahu perasaan aku masa tu. Jumpa2 je nazme tengah bergelak ketawa pulak ingat aku main nyorok2 ngan die. Memang bijak. Lepastu terus dah tak bawak jalan2 dah. Hehe..

Hmm.. there are so many things about him that would make me smile for the rest of the days. I just hope that when I was away, he would still have me in his heart. And no matter how far we are, he would always and always be the first one in my heart :)
Happy birthday, mie! Mak Na loves nazme :)


izyankhairuo said...

Hi dina=)

has been long since we last contacted kan?

oh, 1st thing 1st, cium nazme comel tu utk kte!!eheh.. dah besar dah bdk hyperactive tu! gud for him to have such a loving family, lagi2 dgn mak na die kan?;)

skrg kat library ni(fuyyooo!!haha).gune comp sat. rumah? still takde internet n homeline! adeh tensi betul..dah berminggu-minggu menunggu[mesti dah bosan dgr luahan prasaan kte better stop meluah prasaan skrg b4 it gets into an essay.sbb kalau kte membebel, tak stop2 nnti!;p].

actually saje je nak drop by. lame gile rase tak jenguk blog ni. n seriously rindu gile nak back blogging. LOADS to tell, yet internet tak mengizinkn.. besides, lame sgt dah rase duduk dlm gua!(kat m'sia takde intrnt, kat sini pon same!ceh). dah lame rase disconnected. smlm, nazi ade msg[die baru amik i'view monash:)]. she told me zainab's dad just passed away (zainab homeroom kte). bile dgr that news, tetibe terasa mcm LAMA sgt2 dah tak dpt contact org.

so there u go!"drop by" dah jadi comment pjg!eheh..

so, take care dina=)

deynarashid said...

saje je buat cam dah betahun x jumpe. tu la awak, dah la duk dalam gua, gua pulak jauh, mmg hebat. ha'ah, hr tu dpt tahu ayah zainab pass away, sangat sedih. dah la lame x jumpe die. sayu gak ar. ha'ah hr tu nazi mintak kite contact number awk before die nye inteview hr tu. takpe izy, wpun gua awk takde connection, hubungan kite tetap kukuh utuh dan teguh! [pergh ayat..alaa tetibe rindu pakyus..] dan tetap dalam hati [APAKAH??] hehe gile sebentar.

weih, tadi check awk nye blog n the comment for your recent post [recent la sangat kan! mungkin tu last year punye. hehe..] and i saw the nick. pakcik senapang!!!!! OOOOOMMMMGGG! memang berite panas sepanas pisang goreng. nnt la i'll email u later for further info. hehe.. kite nye easter break 3weeks starting next week. tp ade assignment n hal2 yg melimpah ruah. but i'll try to steal some time for u [ohh.. tolong la terharu. haha..]

wah pjg la plak. mungkin bukan comment tp email? hehe.. dah merepek plak. k, take care izy!! :) thanx for dropping by neway..