Monday, August 20, 2007


So I checked my statcounter for the past one week. I’m quite flattered with those of you who’ve been checking on this bloggy every now and then. I’m sorry if you wish to read my twaddle writings and couldn’t find any updates but I’ve got so many things to get done and it’s only now that I have some time to crap. At one point, I just got too many things to spit out but too little time to write. But now, when I’ve found the time, I just got mixed with everything from things from the past to things from the future. I know I promise some specific entries but I really am hard especially at this period of time.

Last week was hectic. The 10th ESQ Training went out just well. It was fun working with those loveable people and I’m not sure if I could ever join them again. Although it has been 6 trainings after I underwent my training last February, I’ve never thought the job that should be done by those ATSes are as tough. It wasn’t tough as in difficult but it just needs your mental and physical strength so that you would be a productive worker. Kalau banyak tido time keje maknenye hampeh la kan and takdela 7 nilai dasar ESQ kan. One thing I like about being an ATS, those people around you keep on reminding you about what we’ve learnt during the training. Like for example, if you want to take a break even for a sec, you would make sure that your work is completely done. And you would feel sorry for yourself if you don’t keep your time right. And you wouldn’t feel ease when you see other people are struggling getting their jobs done because you would have the rush to help. Rasanya dulu time kat kolej kalau organise apa2 event rasa mcm tu jugak tp sbb kali ni buat event internationally kan so lain sikit ar rase.

Then I had my BTN. Well, overall, I think that kind of course is a must especially to todays generation yang dah lupa asal usul. I know it’s a governmental/political propaganda but what they gave info about were kinda true to some extents. Luckily my facilitators were quite open, sporting and were not that extreme so we kinda had very good discussions about most of the issues. And my groupmates were fun. Unfortunately, I had my immunity breakdown from the end of the 2nd day until the final day so I was a bit half-hearted through out the course. I had to take 8 tablets of panadol everyday so that I could join the LDK. Kalau tak memang tak larat ah and I wasn’t intending to come back for another session so I just tried hard to be strong. Alhamdulillah everything was over now.

Then we had a big family dinner yesterday. Everybody was around. They were celebrating my kejayaan mendapat A lurus [errr..] and indirectly bid farewell to Lupi who’s going back to C0rk lusa!!!! Wuawua Lupi nak balik dah.. Those three kiddos dah makin besar. Tak tau nape rase sedih tgk muke kanak2 ribena tu. Rase cam nak nanges. Takut rindu bile dah jauh nnt. Huhu.. Kak Sue is waiting for the due date this 8/9 lepastu angah aya plak 8/10. I’m gonna miss everyone at home :’( Well, the good news is, my cousin, Kak F@r@h and her husband, Abg F@rid are going to Leicester as well!!! Abg F@rid dapat sambung buat PhD kat Leicester so senang ar sket kalo nak mintak tolong pape ke. Huhu..

And tomorrow nak pegi ambik darah pulak. Sabtu lepas dah ambik, tp doc tu tak geti ambik!!! 3 kali tangan aku kene cucuk tp darah tak kluar! Seb baek la aku x takut jarum so tabah je la kan. Last2 diorg ambik darah kat wrist pakai alat nama ‘butterfly’. Alat ni mahal n slalu ambik darah baby je sbb tak sakit and concept die mcm concept drip kat ward tu tp darah aku plak lembap gile nak drip. Huhu.. Last2 x cukup so esok kene ambik lagi. Ape diorg igt tangan aku ni takde reseptor sakit ke! Huhu.. takpela, nak sehat punye pasal kan. Sob2.. Oh just so you know that the doc who took my blood the other day was a specialist. Isn’t it ironic that a specialist didn’t pass to take patient’s blood?? Like OMG!!! Tp x pe arr.. Sabar je laa..

So this week job is to get my accommodation application done and also get my visa done. Oh and there is an international fireworks competition in putrajaya so I’m planning to go for some photoshootings. I’ve left my camera for quite a while!!! I’m sure he’s had a break more than enough! Huhu.. I’m going to Melaka with Mum tomorrow. Hope I could snap good photos over there. So that’s about it I guess. Nothing interesting ey? Heh.. So, till then. Salam~

It's funny how I have changed
It's funny how you have changed
It's funny how things have changed
It's funny when I look back
And see all those memories flying away
Reminiscing how we used to be
It's funny when the thing that I've been dreading all this while
Is happening
And it's actually an ending to a fairytale
A great story is now kept
At the very bottom of the void
And I'm not sure
If it ever been told

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