Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Close Your Eyes and Get Down to You Heart

“Kenapa impian itu bukan seindah angan-angan? Kenapa kehidupan tidak semudah perancangan? Kenapa kebenaran itu kadangkala pahit? Wahai hati, itulah kehidupan. Sesaat manis akan melupakan setahun pahit. Setahun pahit akan hargai sesaatnya manis. Hidup manis tanpa pahit membuat kita lupa siapa kita. Hidup pahit tanpa manis menjadikan kita lebih cekal dan pandai menghargai.

Wahai hati, bersabarlah, bersabarlah dan bersabarlah. Jika hari ini langit itu cerah, belum tentu cuacanya baik. Jika hari ini langit itu hujan, belum tentu cuacanya buruk. Wahai diri, simpanlah anganmu, jejaklah di bumi nyata. Lihat sekitarmu, hargai apa yg dimiliki. Cubalah menghargai walaupun tidak dihargai.

Wahai minda, jernihkan dirimu. Ungkaikan segala kekusutan, hilangkan kabut keraguan. Bertindaklah secara berhikmah. Ingatlah, sekali gagal bukan selamanya gagal. Bersabarlah, bersabarlah dan bersabarlah. Ingatlah. Di sebalik awan mendung itu tersembunyi sinar mentari yang terang, Pahit itu cabaran tetapi yang manis itu belum tentu kurniaan. wallahualam...”

I took this from iluvi$l@m.c0m. Ayat2 die sangat simple and mudah difahami tapi disebalik kata2 tu, aku dapat rasekan sesuatu yang sangat sangat bermakna. Hidup aku baru je 2 dekad, terlalu sedikit kesusahan yang dah mengajar aku erti kehidupan. Masih terlalu jauh untuk aku pergi. Tapi dalam masa 2 dekad ni la aku belajar banyak benda. Kebanyakan dugaan yang aku hadapi adalah saat2 aku jadi seorang pelajar. Samada aku berjaya atau gagal. Dulu, bagi aku, berjaya adalah segala2nya and once I fail then that’s it. It’s the end of the world. But it doesn’t actually work that way. Pemahaman macam tu tandanya aku sudah gagal sama sekali.

Be willing to fail more. One of the great things about being willing to try new things and make mistakes is that making mistakes keeps you humble. People who are humble learn more than people who are ignorant.
What is stupid is to pretend you are smart. When you pretend to be smart, you are at the height of stupidity.
It is their fear of failing that causes them to fail. It is their need to be perfect that causes them to be imperfect. It is their fear of looking bad that causes them to ultimately feel badly about themselves.
People who avoid failing also avoid success. Failing is an integral part of success.
We all feel frightened, uncertain and doubtful at times. That is part of being human. When I feel that way, the first thing I do is check my thought. If I feel bad or afraid, I know I’m saying or thinking something to cause myself to feel that way.
These are some quotes that I wrote in my diary. Yes, I do have diary, the one I possess since 2003. They are taken from my favourite author, Robert T. Kiyosaki who wrote the famous book, Rich Dad Poor Dad. The book is mainly about how to be a successful (rich) person in life. Reading this book had brought me to post this entry. It really shows how I was too obsessed with the word ‘success’ back then. But Abg Amir’s comment has opened my eyes towards the real meaning of life and as I went through those years, I learnt that life is far more than just being successful.

Talking about this, there’s only one beliefs that I have a sturdy grip on that keeps me strong to walk on this road called ‘life’. The Fairness of The God Almighty. The more I believe in it, the more confident I’ll be. There’s nothing in this world can get into your way and destroy the path that you’ve been tracing all this while. Of course it doesn’t always work easily but that’s the thrill because you know that everything you do has no more than ONE BIG REASON. Itulah yang dikatakan dengan tujuan hidup hanya kerana Allah.

The first and the second quote are exactly what I learnt during ESQ Training [mmg banyak nak ckp pasal esq tapi tak cakap2 lagi. Adehh..]. You won’t perceive them unless you really encounter the exact situation of being a failure. Bukan la nak suruh aim supaya sentiasa gagal dalam hidup tapi nak buang perasaan takut untuk gagal tu. It’s not simple, I know but that’s what people call an unending lesson.

And another reason why I took those beautiful words from iluvi$l@m.c0m is because of a friend, whom I only got to know only for a short period of time but he’s changed my perspective about life all together. And makes me feel so thankful and bersyukur with everything and everyone I have. I’ve known him for two years now, yes, since in college but I have never had a chance to know him personally. I don’t know how hard his time has been but from what he told me about his family and life as a son, as a friend and as a brother, I know he’s gone through a lot of difficulties. And the responsibilities that have been weighing him down makes him a simple guy but with a very mature and noble heart inside. All this while I only see him from afar. Never in a million year have I thought that he is actually someone different from whom I think he is. But knowing that he has such a beautiful personality makes me believe that a true appearance can be more pleasant than the reality.

So to all my friends who’ll be getting their results soon, all the best and whatever you get is the best that you can hold and He indeed knows best than you yourself :)

It's a state of bliss, you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry


doodliey said...

dina, kiter pon dulu pikir success is all about excelling in exams! pastu bile sekali fail exam maths, rasa cm tersungkur gile la.. but from dat failure, i realized yg there's so much more in life.. betol la cm awak ckp.. alhamdulillah, experience is really the best teacher for us kan, whether its the good one or not..troskan menulis ye..though i rarely comment, i'm ur no 1 fan as a silent reader ya bebs.. =)

izyankhairuo said...

Salam dina;)

Nothing happens for no reason. pengalaman mmg mengajar kan.. bila kita terasa susah, Allah tgh bagi kita peluang utk dekatkn diri dgn Dia, merayu merintih pada Nya.

Bila buat kerana Allah, yang pahit pun jadi indah;)

p/s: miss u woman! take care

deynarashid said...

thanx nazi n izy. I'm glad to have you guys as good friends who I can really depend on :) miss korang sgt2 :(