Thursday, January 24, 2008

Every Single Thing..

I talked to a friend the other day..

“Have you ever had something that you really treasure, something that you think it’s yours but it’s just not..”

For example, let’s say you’ve been eyeing on this one particular camera, say, a brand new cybershot by sony. You’ve been dreaming to have a digital camera of your own so you started to save some money from your monthly allowance. After a few months, you used the money that you have saved to get the camera for yourself. Just a few weeks after that, your camera got stolen. And you have thousands of photos that you have not uploaded into your laptop. First, you lost all those memorable pictures. Second, you lost the camera which was bought using your money that you have saved for months. How would you feel?

I don’t know why I suddenly started to think about so MANY MANY things. And what’s worrying me is, I thought about my future. Yes, thinking about your future is absolutely dangerous. Ok, fine. It’s good to plan ahead and have your future sketched in your mind to at least give you some sort of encouragement to keep on moving but sometimes, thinking those crappy things makes you go nuts and you just forget how everything has actually been planned by Him and you have by no means no power to interrupt even into your own life. I don’t want to talk about mission and vision. I just want to find my bearings, get into reality and just go on with this life and let it walk on its own pace.

“Have you had any road not taken in your life so far?” asked a friend of mine.

“Yes. Choosing between Nottingham and Leicester was not as simple as it seemed.”

“Perasan tak, kadang2 benda yang kita nak dari dulu, tapi bila dah dapat, kita rasa x puas. Sedangkan ramai lagi orang lain yang nak benda yang kita dah dapat..”

Yes. Humans have always been greedy and desirous of everything they want. And they never feel grateful.

Things have been tough. Life has not been any easier. Medicine has always been psychologically challenging. I’m aware of those obstacles that I need to face but sometimes; I just don’t have the confidence to confront them. I’m too inferior to let my courage take control over everything. I might not even have the guts within myself. I have more and more exams to sit for even after I graduate and God knows how hard those exams are. I have a family to think about. I have [or might not have] a future family of my own to weigh up. I have endless expectations to meet. And now, I’m saddled with financial problems. I’m fearful with something called ‘life’. I keep asking myself “Why do I need to experience this?” “Why am I here?” “What am I really searching in this life?”

“Tau tak @zh, kita rasa seronok sangat tangkap2 gambar dgn camera kita tu. I’m enjoying taking pictures. Tapi kadang2 rasa mcm camera tu boleh hilang bila2 je..”

I came to realise that we always think everything that we possess in our life is ours.

“That’s MY new car..”

“This is OUR new house..”

“This is MY brand new Nikon D70s camera..”

"This is MY boyrfriend.."

"This is MY degree, MY PhD.."

You didn’t steal anyone’s money to buy the camera. You saved your own money. But He could still take it back from you because everything in this life is not yours. The money, the camera, is not meant to be yours. E.V.E.R.Y S.I.N.G.L.E T.H.I.N.G in this world is His. But we are always concealing ourselves in our own world of lies and forget the real truth. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong to use the word 'MY' in our daily life but just remember that it won't be yours forever.

We always get busy reaching our future when we don’t even know we could make it until that very moment of what we call a ‘future’. Ask yourself “What do I want in this life” and you will never get yourself satisfied. You’re killing yourself, scratching your head thinking about uncertainties when the only person who knows E.V.E.R.Y S.I.N.G.L.E T.H.I.N.G that lies ahead of you is Him. But we always forget who we are. We always forget to ask for His guidance in the darkness of this path called ‘life’. We always think what we want but we never consider what He wants. We ask him this and that, but we never do things that He asks us to do. We want to be, in my case, a doctor, but we never want to be what He wants us to be. So, what do we really want in this life?

For the moment, I just want to zzZZZzzzZZzzZzz..

photo taken by rockstro.

[#22: Fear Allah only; not the people nor anything else]

"Let not any one of you belittle himself. They said: O Messenger of Allah, how can any one of us belittle himself? He said: He finds a matter concerning Allah about which he should say something, and he does not say [it], so Allah (mighty and sublime be He) says to him on the Day of Resurrection: What prevented you from saying something about such-and-such and such-and-such? He say: [It was] out of fear of people. Then He says: Rather it is I whom you should more properly fear."

It was related by Ibn Majah with a sound chain of authorities.
Text copied from Al-Nasir's 40 Hadith Qudsi Software v1.0,


p/s: Don't worry, MY kekasih hati masih setia di sisiku :D


Anonymous said...

2nd visit here!

gee, you really think that far? my friends asked me about what im gonna do in the future, or what am i gonna specialize in mech. engineering some day yadda, yadda, yadda. but i just answered, "bior lepas exam ni dulu laaa. pastu baru pikir.." ive got too much problems in front of me, and i can expect what comes in the future..

and yes, bab2 duit nih, Mara slow skit nak response.. esp in Germany. till now, duit claim yuran & insurance (yg sepatutnya Mara yg urus, tapi kite students kene bayar dulu guna duit allowances) blom dibayar lagi.. and its about 12++ euros.

and i can say goodbye to my dreams getting an sb 800 'coz kene bayar yuran for next sem.. and that'll be another 600 euros.. arghh!

you think you're the only one who's got financial prblems eh?

God doesnt test you, if He knows that you couldnt survive.

deynarashid said...

hehe.. aku bleh pikir lagi jauh tp takut nak pegi jauh sangat, nanti sesat bila nak patah balik ke pangkal jalan. haha ok merepek.

you guys have to pay your fees on your own?? huish, mara ni gilos ke ape...

oooh aku dah say 'tata' to sb 800 and polarising filter (at least ko ade polarising filter!) and new lenses lama dah. sob2.. takpela, the time will come. later in life. God knows when.. isk3..

"God doesnt test you, if He knows that you couldnt survive" <-- yep, absolutely true :)

MimiRosli said...

hi deyna!

lame aku tak singgah sini
bace blog kamu ni membuatkan aku berfikir macam-macam bende
terima kasih kerana menyedarkan aku secara tidak langsung :)

betul macam kamu cakap
manusia mmg tak pernah puas dgn ape yg die dah dapat sedangkan ape yg die ade jauh lebih baik dr org laen

dan lagi satu yang kamu kate every single thing in this world milik Allah..dan dia boleh ambil bila-bila mase je..aku teringat pada kata-kata ni

" harta bukan milik kamu, yang kamu ada hanyalah rezeki pemberianNya "


deynarashid said...

hey mimi!

thanx for dropping by my blog. n aku appreciate sgt org yg appreciate writing aku. hehe :D

sharing is caring :)