Wednesday, January 09, 2008

They're Gone..

It seems like this is the first entry of the Gregorian and Islamic year. Starting off with some emotional and poignant entry couldn't be any worse, could it? Yea, my mum and sisters are gone back home, and leave me all alone.. again. I've never been this bad before. It's just so empty. Incomplete. And lonely. Never thought homesickness could be this painful. This is the worse state I've ever been ever since I came to Leicester. Missing my mum, anid and icah. Missing the sound of merriment. Missing the time spent together. Missing every single bit of it. I know things are now back to normal and I can't have everything I want. But it's just so hard for me to move on. Just so.. hard.

Now I'm in no mood to make this entry draggy and boring and I have my exams in less than two weeks from now and God knows how far things are ahead of me. But He knows as well, how struggling I was to keep everything on pace. Now all I need is strength from Him. And prayers from all of you.



Mysara said...

dina,jangan la sedey2 ek..mesti awak sgt terase ketiadaan diorg sbb korg lame spend time cube bygkan kitrg yg x jumpe2 lagi family nak dkt 4 bulan....lagi menyedihkan =( huhu..hehe =P
nway,goodluck exam!! one of the reasons kite x suke hols n weekends is it always reminds me of home & bertambah homesick!! isk3....

deynarashid said...

hehe thanx mai :) tp kite rs skrg baru terasa homesick yg melampau. before mak kite dtg, x penah nangis langsung. the only time kite nangis is kat airport. tp lepas mak kite balik ni, mmg senang sgt nak burst out. hehehehe.. xpe, insyaAllah kite semua x yah masuk QE summer ni n bleh balik jumpe family k? amiiinn..

Anonymous said...

all the best dina~~ my prayers are wif u insyaAllah. i've looked at ur family pics in fs. and kite rase yg teramat sgt jeles kot~~ huu. tp xpe, be strong, insyaAllah tym will help heal. nnt balek summer kite lepak lame2 ngn dorg. hee :D okies dina, take care deary~ [ttbe rase mcm sedih..uuu] muahxx!! (^^)

Ai said...

(continuing from your entry...)

you should change the background song. it somehow creates a false sense of loneliness and how miserable you are (or I am...shoot, this song never fails at it).

suggest you get a hippy happy background song to lift up your spirit~ (or my spirit...).

somehow I am too absorbed into your entry because of the song~ time for a change huh?

deynarashid said...

iman- thanx iman :) sangat appreciate awk punya comment. alhamdulillah, feeling much better now. tetiba rindu kat awk jugak.. teaks.. izyan.. thirah.. arinah sume.. rindunye kat langkawi. huhu.. take care too iman!! :)

clafikraz- u want the song? i'll give it to u bila2 nnt. might change the song but not now, maybe later, after i'm done with my ever waited exams *sigh..*