Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Beautiful Things..

They say "Life is just a bowl of cherries". I ponder upon that phrase, trying to ferret out what the exact meaning of it. Is it some kind of humorous adage dedicated to someone who is actually living a pleasant life or is it just an opposite way, one kind to say that life is actually not as sweet as cherries?

Days ago, when nobody noticed where I was, I took my 'flight' to Canada. The journey was not as long as I thought but it was just a blink of an eye. I saw many new things. I learnt more about life. I saw smorgasbord kind of people with varieties attitude. Some were pleasant to eyes, some were irritating. Some knew what they were invented for but some did not know what they were actually seeking for in life.

Living one's life is like being in a movie. We dont know who creates the settings and the scripts but we just went through willingly or unwillingly. We do not even know how the plot is being played, where to stop, where to rewind. We tend to follow the stream and the flow without our knowledge. We, somehow, could not control them. They are all beyond our authority. We do not know how the ending would be; it could be anything. And we will never know what is in the books and what is written.

I used to believe and trust in someone. Everytime he talked about his life and his career in somewhere one could have never thought of, I asked myself, why did he decide to be in such place. He always claimed that nobody would be like him and I agreed because he was one of a kind. He used to believe in himself, too. He sounded very cheerful and happy back then with all blessings from Him but things just went so wrong. Just like I said, we never know what is in the books and what is written.

Perhaps some people still need more times to perceive the truth about life out there. I myself, still vigorously looking for something; something which can enlighten me with things I do not know. The truth is still concealing in its own world. It will not let be seen by helpless people. It will always be under the shadow of falsehood. But. . God will never create us without reasons. It is our job to search for the truth and giving up is not even one of the choices.

'Being' in Crimea has also taught me a lot about life. Indeed, the one's life that I had gone through might be the same as mine, in the future. Perhaps not spot-on but virtually. Sometimes, when we think that the world does not undertsand things that loiter in our head and things in our heart, we seldom forgot that there is still The One who knows exactly everything we could imagine of. It's true, we sometimes need other people to rely on and other shoulder to cry on and when nobody is around, all we could do is just be in sorrow. But, giving up is not one of the choices.

When people ask me who are the people that always get places in my heart, I would definitely say my family. Despite them, friends are what I have in mind. I am thankful for having numerous of friends who have always been there for me whenever I need them and they are just the best people I could find. But 'friend' does not bring the same purpose as 'true friend' does. To me, 'true friend' can be defined the best as the person who knows me better than myself. It's like having a second personality. But just like possessing a diamond, true friend could hardly be found. And I am still looking for one.

Kawan memang senang carik..
but friend like you? ( cam kenal ayat ni *hint hint* hehe =b )


Anonymous said...

weyh...ngko cam tetau jer akoo kebuhsanan thp cipan slps berhenti diberhentikan memberhenti dan terberhenti kejer...tuh yg akoo ol 24hrs...nutin else 2 do..ko pi kanada ek.. perghhh...asek gi overc jer ko nih... alang2 slalu gi overc study kat malaysia pon kire orite rr... akoo plan nak invite 1 skool maahad..wakakakkaka.. x der rrr cam2 kot..3 hamzah dulu .. ko org penting yg wajib kener attend ...anyhow no partner is allowed..ahax..semak jer..if u drive there plz tell me....i seems 2 hav lost my credits 4 downloading games...ntah aper antu yg ajar akoo pon tatau....c u dis saturday k...
p/s: x sabo nak jumper ko live..wakakak.... luv yaa n miss ya ....muahhhsss .

Anonymous said...

glad to have you as a fren mate ;)

deynarashid said...

yaaaa..i flew to canada last week..huahua..gile ape..aku kat mesia 24jam maa..hhuhu..yaa,skrg ko raselah betape sangap nak mmpos duk umah..aku rase otak aku ni dah mengalami pengoksidaan..dah x cukup oksigen..kene ambik pts balik ah camni..hahahahahahahaha..oooooooui,aku sungguh terharu sbb ade org tu organize bday party utk aku..but i expect the least ah..sat gi aku brangan ade org bg aku hadiah kete ke,skali tu x de..tak ke sedih..huhu..k, aku senornye sungguh bertenaga untuk merapu so,paham2 je ah..k,c ya!

errr sya?bile nak balik ni?dah lupe daratan ke makcik oi..takkan nak convert nationality kot..harharhar!!!