Friday, April 22, 2005


A message woke me up this morning. The handphone just fashionably laid beside my ear and the 'bip bip' sound with volume 4 penetrated my brain like hell. 'Al-Ghamidie' caught my eyes. "Hmm..must be Din" some voices wafted through the back of my head. I think Din is planning to come to the wedding and he said he'll be the 'tourist guide' if we're going to rumah cikgu azwani that evening.

And suddenly, wan's msg caught my attention. "Wan? and the msg HAS BEEN read? and he sent the msg at 5.46am? How come I didnt notice that msg??". At right that second, I knew..Mesti anid yg bace. Somehow..somehow..somehow I didnt read that message on the spot. I dunno why. I slipped off the bed, took my bath, had my breakfast, and then I read the message. And Wan had really freaked me out! He needed my help and of course I would help him in any way posibble.

So, I promptly put my shirts on and drove off to UKM to post the wedding invitation cards to Iman and Thirah and then I headed straight to Maybank. Nasib baek tak susah mane nak masukkan duit tu. Haih..wan wan..

And at 1230, fetched anid up at school just like usual and in the evening, went to Banting ambik Lupi plak. Hmm..That's my work, being an unofficial driver with no payment. Heh..

Anyway, Husniyah called me up just now and asked about the personal statement for the interview and that buzz really put me into a mess. The form is hell out of my sight and I havent planned what to write for the personal statement and my certificates and all those stuff are somewhere undetectably in library and..and....byk lagi x buat!! Dugaan dugaan.. "Alaaa..relex laa.MARA kcg grg je.Bebel2 sket, sengih2 sket,dpt laa"-Im. Hmm..hope so

Eh kejap blogpatrol showed something odd just now. The number of my visitors for today doesnt look usual. I reckon there must be 'unexpected' visitors who perhaps have been reading my blog eversince without my knowledge. They dont even leave a 'footprint' and that makes them even more 'invisible'. Of course I dont all! but I wonder who are those people. Hafiz?? (how I wish he does....) abg din? Takkan Mum ngan Dad bace kot? Heh..Well, at least they know I'm stating their name here. Huhu..ok whatever..

Ok, need to help out people down there. Bug later!


Anonymous said...

ish ish..bekire betul..dah laa minyak sume bukan ko yg bayar..byk lak songeh..

wawawawa..IM tu poyo doh..dulu time die tekapai2 gak..menggelabah nak mmfus..hahaha..rindu pulak kat die

perlu ke sebut name hafiz skrg ni???tolong laa makcik..die dah kawen ok (ye ke? that ko takyah nak brangan)

deynarashid said...

alaa,aku memain je..tak bekire langsung ok!

at least im ckp camtu kire as an encouragement laa jugak kan..

tak perlu.......................

Anonymous said...

tak perlu?? jadi??apekah yg sudah berlaku???hmm..aku malas nak buat ceramah free.kalau nak ceramah sile bayar 1jam 10ringgos

Anonymous said...

aku ketinggalan ceramah yg best ka?

deynarashid said...

mmchh..susah betul..takyah sya,time kaseh je.aku dah muak dgr ceramah ko..sorry la,sukar utk dipraktikkan.huhuhu..ko pon x yah sebok ye man.nak dgr ceramah best tunggu ahad depan ko pegi laa dgr ceramah kat surau annur kol 9pg.sekian..

Anonymous said...

ceramah tuh masuk tv tak..aku gian nak masuk tv ar...

deynarashid said...

celcom mmg bemasalah..haha..benci gile..rase cam nak campak henset aku tu je..sian die..

sorry ye encik celcom..kami tak ade perkhidmatan utk masuk tv..maybe anda boleh pegi audition malaysian idol nxt wk dan nyanyi lagi silent is beautiful..konfem encik akan popular selepas itu..hahahahah..ok?

Anonymous said...

takleh masuk tv pun takper ar...masuk IKIM.FM pun ok gak...sungguh best ceramah tadi...