Monday, April 18, 2005

Wake Up!

Ok, now I know how to change my background image. Weehoo! This is the best image I could find, though, for this period of time. Dont have that much time to look for all these craps. Mum dgn Dad asyik bising je..Huhu..

Abg Amir will be home soon. Cant wait to see him, so that I can claim any stuffs that he brings from Norwich. Hehe.. Will there be any anyway? Dont care and dont mind.

Anyways, his bunga pohor is finally done!!! Uish, tak larat ah. I definitely will not volunteer myself to do such thing again, especially for Lupi's, later on.

So, nothing much to be written here. Now, I'm started to get worried about my scholarship. Have not got any feedback from MARA yet and those who got called from JPA will have their interview soon! I just need to search for information for the interview, you know, get myself prepared. But at the same time, I need to bother myself about benda-benda remeh for this coming wedding occasion. Pening pale!!

And another thing that I'm worried about is my finishing up my resume and sorting out all the certificates and other things required for the interview. Lupi will be having his final exams this May, two days after the wedding and just for the addition note, he probably will be flying to Ireland this August. So, hopefully he'll pass the exams with flying colours and achieve his ambition to be Dr. Lutfi.

Err..I dont think I'm pointing out a message here. Just for the sake of updating. So, will catch you guys up soon!


Anonymous said...

pening kepala? makanlah panadol! untuk kesihatan yang berpanjangan.sekian..

deynarashid said...

wow..betulka???huiyoo..hebatnya panadol!