Friday, December 09, 2005

why I blog

Ahaha.. It’s very funny indeed. I really did not expect the comment. Huhu.. You really wanted to read that post did you? Hehe.. No, no problem at all. Not all people know that they still can reach that ‘deleted’ post like you did. Aku laa tu yg tak tahu. Haha.. Thanx mr. stranger. Now I learn something; make sure you delete the entry that you want to delete, do not just ‘save as draft’ because the spider can still look for it through the web. Heh..

Since the unexpected incident caught me on the wrong foot the other day, I now realized that internet is no longer the right place to share things. One by one, people got here by googling something if it’s not their name. Google ecotrip ah, MYC, kyuem ah. Aduh… Pastu tak tinggal tapak kaki plak tu. Aish.. I don’t think I can write as frequent as I’ve been writing all this while (can I? heh..). I know you will laugh at the statement that I’ve just made and say “Haha what do you expect? Blogging your routine without people know about it?”. I’ve always been aware of that since the very beginning. In fact that was not why I started blogging for by transferring a blog into a diary. That was definitely not the reason. If you want me to admit, I do keep a diary up till now. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, is it not? I love writing albeit I’m not very good at it but at least I’m trying and learning. It was something that I learn back then; share things with people and gets feedbacks from what you blogged about and hope that the feedbacks will encourage you to perceive life better. I do learn things a lot from this :) That’s the best part of all.

I still remember the first time I got myself into the blogging world was through a friend (hint: his blog is one of my reverences :) yep, I do read his blog till now). And as of then, I started to learn the word ‘bloghopping’ when I reached a few blogs of people that I know. What they wrote mostly reflected my own life and so they were somehow encouraged me to own one and that was how this so-called ‘dreaming in fantasy’ exists by ruminating that this would give me benefits in return. Ade laa sikit2 kot. Never thought that the intention of making this; blogging; just for the hell of it led me into so many things. Be it good or bad, there were always things for me to learn about. I even met new friends like Dr. Mirul in Simferopol and Syazwan in Lille. And then there were the Mr. Plumber with his cute kids :) and the tough mummy who struggles so hard fighting with the cancer, Nadya the supercool photographer who figuratively encouraged me into photographing (now I’m obsessed with it. Heh..) Uncle Saiful :), that pakcik codger, blurscrubber and soooo many more. Oh and not to forget, that si budak redza that I met in Manchester couple of years ago, never expected to meet him again in this cyber world. Heh.. I am really appreciated for giving the opportunities to meet such people. They are just great. Could not find them if I did not blog in the first place. Heh..

Most of the times during the long holiday I had were spent on reading people’s blogs. Nothing I did at home but sitting on this chair in front of this computer for hours and hours while other of my friends were busy with things like anime and stuff. And over the months, I learned some stuff about html and all; on how to make my blog more attractive (heh..yea, of course you can say this blog is not attractive at all.), how to put up that music box with Michael Buble’s song, Home (Thanx uncle saiful ;p) and whatnots. Needless to say I lapped it up very much. There’s even a person who has finally built up his own blog now although he seldom updates the blog up. (Promotion done!) Hehehehe.. Now, with a hectic life I’m leading on, I don’t have much time to spend on blogging and bloghopping. Kadang2 rase rindu jugak dah lama tak bloghopping. Rase macam tertanye2 “mcm mane ek so-on-so skrg ni..”. And to my discouragement, some of my favorite bloggers have even terminated their blogs. As I’ve said before, mine will grind to a halt one sweet day. Never know when, never know how. But I will definitely do…

Anyway.. it's almost 3 in the morning. Smalam tido pukul 3 gak lepastu bangun 12jam kemudian. Hahaha teruk perangai. I'm going out tomorrow with anid and icah to KLCC tengok Narnia. Talking about Narnia, I don't quite get it why the lion, witch and bla bla is the first to be shown. The Narnia series have been existed in this house since I was like what, seven? And as far as I'm concerned, the first book is supposed to be 'The Magician Boy' not that 'the lion, witch and bla bla..' hurrmm..tak kisah laa. Just hope that I don't fell asleep in the cinema. Heh.. Nite! Have a good weekends ppl!


deynarashid said...

laaaa..baru post trus dah ade org nak spam?? ish2 pakcik willie ni

Anonymous said...

aku nampak sorg awek dlm wkk50 tadi. laju semacam...tak terkejor aku..hahaha...aku tak paham la ape bende ko tulih ni

deynarashid said...

hahahahaha..bukannye nak potong! hehe aku rush pegi draw duit td ade bende sket. heh..x paham eh? xyah paham pon xpe x masuk pekse ;p

Anonymous said...

ade aje masalah ko dgn org kan? ape la ko ni...cube jadik matang youre not blogging anymore?

deynarashid said...

tu la pasal. ade je org tak puas ht dgn aku. how? maybe sbb aku matang sgt kot kan? still blogging but dunno till when