Thursday, December 01, 2005

deepest apology

Yesterday I had a very unexpected visitor. Jeng jeng jeng. How did she get here? Well, it’s not a long story but it’s more to a ‘terkantoi’ situation. When the technology is getting overwhelming, everything will seem possible and world becomes even smaller. Even the poles can reach this blog. Heh..

Sejak peristiwa terkantoi ni and another few embarrassing situations I did to several of my friends, rase mcm diri ni jahat gile la pulak. Heh.. wira and izy agak terkantoi besar juge. Terkantoi ape?? Well, ceritenye sgt panjang tapi to be short, they are quite fuming and feel inflicted. Honestly, I really did not mean to put them in such situation. My intention was just to make it as a fun thing, not to mortify or take people down. But yea, could it not be helped, everything turned out not very good. Even my good guy friend terkantoi gak (ehem…u know who u are. I am so so so sorrryy!!). I learn a lesson from this ok, I really do. Just hope those people will not keep it to themselves for any longer. No hard feelings please!!! =)

Anyway, yesterday we had the last activity conducted by the Student Council 05/06 which was the SC Open House Festival in regard to the Hari Raya and Deepavali celebration. We were honored by the presence of Dr. Ikmal, the CEO of UEM Berhad and also by all the staff and teachers. Some performances were taking place and they were all splendid and marvelous. The most touching part was when they presented the video presentation of the whole semester events, including the induction week. Sangat sedih and terharu. Heh.. satu semester rasenye mcm berjuta kot aktiviti. Tak larat dah rase.. tapi mmg sangat best la. They are indeed moments that will never be forgotten. One semester has passed off and one semester left for the seniors before they end their college lives and are about to depart to their own path. Isk..sungguh sedih…

Bende yang lagi menyedihkan lagi is, Diamond kalah basketball final lawan Topaz!!!!!!! Oh tidaak!! The game was held yesterday evening and apparently it was drizzling and the court was so wet and slippery. We posed to play indoor game, inside the MPH, but then Batu (or I’d rather call him Akmal), the referee said nobody wanted to arrange the MPH and of course because of time constraints. Akmal macam agak bengang jugak laa kot sebab Diamond ni byk songeh. Hari tu match lelaki Diamond vs Garnet (Akmal is a garnetor) main gaduh mcm ape sampai kene rematch. Lepastu Diamond girls pernah jugak mintak rematch dengan Topaz sbb kalah tanpa bertanding. Sbb tu la akmal mcm bengang kot. Tengok time die bengang, terigt Lupi. Tak tahu laa part mane yg terigt tu tp he really reminds me of Lupi. Ade ar gaye sket2. heh.. Anywayyy..the game was held as planned, maka adela agenda tergolek2, tergelincir sume tu. Mane taknye, court basah gile! Nak mengomel pun kat diri sniri je ah kan. Topaz plak mcm tak pasal2 aggressive gile so dengan itu, Diamond pun kalah. Point brape? Takyah tanye kot. Heh.. lagi membengangkan, final match for guys which was right after the girls match, Garnet vs Topaz main indoor game pulak!!! Tensyen je.. shat was very disappointed because initially she was over confident that Diamond would win the game but it turned out otherwise. Takpela, ade hikmah disebaliknye. Next battle is, BANGSAWAN!!!! Go Diamond!!

As I’ve said before, I’ll post up the entry about the trip to Pulau Jerejak the other day. General speaking, the trip was extremely fun. We really had a great time there. Nak cite banyak tapi not now kot. Tengah tunggu gambar from Yaya sbb yaya ade byk gambar sket. I’ll post it up as soon as I got home which is after the MYC ends next Monday. Talking about MYC, we’re gonna have a briefing this evening. And the venue for the camp has been changed to Bukit Tinggi instead of going to Dusun Eco Park. Actually the venue is not what the event is all about. What really matters is we can spend time together and have fun. And of course, being a better person :)

Anyways, the statcounter showed something unexpected today. It managed to track people from somewhere I've never thought of; Imperiall College with more than 10visits, Edinburgh University Local Area Network with at least 4visits, Queen Mary And Westfield College (ehem..the jeng jeng jeng I presume), Colorado School Of Mines with more than 7visits, University Of Newcastle Upon Tyne, London School Of Economics And Political Science, Campus Network For University Of Warwick, Eircom Ltd Dublin, Cambridge University Local Area Network, Xaverian College (i think this is redza) and beberape yg lain yg pelik. In only 1 day, the stat managed to track up to 30 odd visitors. Hmm....terase tahpape jugak ah blog tahpape ni dilawati oleh org2 spt itu. tak kisah laa.. tapi bak kate abg lan, tinggalkan laa tapak kaki tu ye. heh..

It’s almost 10. I’ve got chemistry class at 10 so better sign off now. Will blog more soon. Have a nice day!


Anonymous said...

hurm..alamak, macam mana nak ckp yeah.. but.. dear, i have a blog actually, so i have apparently mentioned about it in it, and some of my friends actually started googling(they told me so), and.. hurm.. guess that explains why you had a few unexpected visitors from cambridge and all. eheh i seriously dont know what to say... =)btw, i love commenting on blogs..eheh it's like an extremely slow 'chat'. cheers~
p/s: life's getting pretty interesting these few days..=P

deynarashid said...

ohoh..yea, ive thot so. it's so obvious when it came from a google search with ur name in it. heh.. no prob at all. was juz wondering how it got spread so fast. heh.. perceiving life is always interesting especially when it revolves the unexpected :)

Anonymous said...

kantoi besar siootttt. wakakakaka..padan muke lah ye. lain kali jgn suke suki buat org mcm tu. pastu......basket kalah?? hahahaha hari tu bukan main confident nak mati. kire tak tertebus ah kekalahan diamond. kekeke...takpe, 'bejuta' tournament lagi kot so, boleh la dina menunjukkan kehebatannye yang tak seberapa tu :p

deynarashid said...

yeah..kantoi itu kewl! alaaa biar kalah game tp tak kalah semangat. how was that? ;)