Monday, January 01, 2007

Hepi Nu Yer!

“Dina! Lepas dah jadik Jon Foreman ngan flickraddict, sekarang nyamar ape plak? Lame gile tak nampak ko..”

That’s it. Nothing more. It was quite surprising though to get an e-mail from someone who has never sent me one all this while with such a note. But I’m not blaming her though. At least she still remembers me and notices my disappearance. But still, it’s kinda odd. I’ve deleted my friendster account for already one year, people! Takkan nak suruh orang lain post kat bulletin board ‘Dina sudah tiada..’ kot. Aduhai.. And to be honest, I don’t really know this fella actually. Ntah sape2 ntah penah add aku kat frenster dulu.

But anyways…

Salam Aidiladha (late, I know) and Happy New Year to all. Another year passes by and I’m still here being me and nothing else. I’m not that new-year-means-new-resolutions kinda person. I do have resolutions but I didn’t list them down and follow them up every now and then. I just keep them in mind (sometimes in heart) and if I could materialize them, I would by all means but at times, unexpected things appear and deter me from making them real so that’s the only time when I drain them away.

So, what I’ve been up to?
  • Family dinner and siblings outing – Abg Amir blanje pizza kat alamanda haritu. Pastu the next day tgk Cicakman beramai2 kat mines. One word for that movie = RUBBISH!~ Malas nak komen byk2 because I bet the shortcomings would be endless!
  • The super cool Mr. Zen – Went to Low Yat with Along Ima and Abg Norman. They wanted to buy a new laptop so I tagged along and got my new mp4. Murah je.. Less than 400. I think this is much worth of expense than anid’s sony bean. And I like the edited photo I come out with. Lawa la plak. Heh..
  • Bangs@w@n – Actually meja berkerawang dah lame siap tp baru tadi sebok nak ambik gambar sebab B@d nak tengok hasil kerja orang seni. Haha.. Takde la hebat mane pon tp serious penat tak bleh bla! Hoho.. I’m not gonna do it twice. Other materials for props are bought except for kain. Otherwise, everything is STILL on track and yet to be messed up!
  • Raya Haji – balik muar pagi raya semalam. Lepastu balik bangi petang after asar. Kejap je.. anid nak balik skolah dah esok. Sempat tengok sekor lembu jatuh. Lagi sekor dah kong mase aku baru sampai. Tak ramai sedara mara ada. Kat surau annur korban 15 ekor pagi tadi. And malam ni, ade kenduri!!
I think that’s about it. Since I’m going to Penang and Langkawi on the 4th for the next one week, I’m packing my stuff before getting back to college on the 12th. It’s going to be a hell brief and knackering week! And after that, a new war cry is about to keep my ear to the ground!


Anonymous said...

happy new year...
btw, ur mr zen's nice...
gewd luck wif bangsawan ;p

deynarashid said...

hepi nu yr fil! thanx :)