Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Of understanding the word 'LIFE'

Owh, it has been a week. I feel like it's just yesterday I last updated this blog. How time flies so fast!! Or perhaps I just had so many things to straighten out. Sometimes I had to skip my lunch or dinner [breakfast tu mmg sah2 la miss!] because I needed to make a dash for KL and putrajaya and God-knows-where. And now I’ve lost 4kgs! Oh well, that’s good for me though. Kalau kat kolej, aku jog/swim everyday pun takde pape perubahan. Hah hah hah..

Anyways, in these two months I’ve been staying at home, I’ve never driven this much especially when I have to make to-ing and fro-ing between KL and Bangi. All this while, I only got the chance to hear to the traffic updates on the radio and feel sorry for those who got trapped in the traffic jam but now, I am one of those unfortunate people!! Sometimes at one point, I prefer to take public transport instead but once I stepped my feet on the train, I regretted over that decision. There are just countless people around and one thing for sure, I really hate crowd. That’s why I’m a no fan of shopping in KLCC or MidValley or wherever you want to name. Well, I’m not complaining anything [am i? Hahah..] but I just hope I could have some time to spend with my old friends before I leave for the UK. Well, I’m meeting some people tomorrow but later in the afternoon I have to go to Jln Ampang to retrieve my visa. And then I need to meet some other people for my mara stuff and bla bla bla.. Ok, enough about that.

I had a meeting with my sponsor just now. Just as I expected, most of the scholars are from KMl3 and it’s good to see my good old friends back. As we chatted and catching up on each other, I just felt a tinge of sadness, thinking about that we’re going on a separate path after this. Too many sentimental value in our friendships that I half-heartedly see them getting more distant day by day, year by year. But that’s just a cycle of life anyway, right?

Anyhow, the good news is, we’re allowed do our internship in the UK before we come back to Malaysia for good. And IF you’re lucky enough to be offered for further studies in MRCPs, then mara would release you so long you get a place and a sponsor. But you still need to pay the 1% though. To come to think of it, I don’t think that’s too much to pay because what really matters once you’ve become a doctor is the next steps that you need to take before you really really settle down as a specialist or whatever. 3 year-bound to the government is just passable, I guess and I hope so. At least you’re secured with a job after your degree. And then you’re free to go wherever you want.

I’ve been thinking about so many things this lately. I mean, I’m going to start a new life after this. A new life as in THE REAL life outside there. It’s not about being away from family. I’d confronted that a couple of years back when I had to live alone in Langkawi with my family being light years away in Manchester. It’s not about adapting to a new environment. I’ve been there twice, so at least I have an idea about how things are going to be over there. It’s not about having unfamiliar people around. I’m going to have some old friends from Langkawi and KYU3M as well so that shouldn’t be a prob. It’s not about being a student who’s weighed down by other people’s expectations. I’ve been in such situation for years and years. Well, maybe to a certain extent is about being a MEDICAL student but I’ve been preparing for that since I was a kid. Of course I should expect things won’t be easy but that’s just life. Nothing is easy.

Somehow, it’s about being independent and deciding things on your own. And it’s not the time for trying new stuff and whatnot, it’s the time to be more serious about how you want to plan your future ahead. You know what, when my mara officer mentioned about a sum of money that they would give before we depart, I felt excited about it. But a few seconds after that I had a sudden strong feeling that the money means thousand of words. Duit rakyat tu memang la. Tu je dah cukup buat rasa bahu ni berat nak memikul but it’s more than that. The money is for your FUTURE.

Now I have to keep in mind that the word ‘future’ means more than what I perceived before. Selama ni macam “oh kena belajar sungguh2 for the future” and all you think is being a mere student. But now, “oh, kene belajar bagi pass. Kalo fail kene bayar balik juta2. And duit monthly allowance tu kene simpan utk dot dot dot..”. Whatever la, travel ke, kawen ke. And ironically, I’ve been thinking about having my own ‘tabung kawen’! Oh well, nothing to be ashamed of, right? Abg H@ik@l just got married to Kak @erin, Disney punye host kat tv3 tu, and people keep on guessing who in the family is going to be next and unfortunately I can’t erase my name off the list!! Like what I’ve said, it’s the time to be serious about life!! You get where I’m heading to right now? Yes? Good. No no, I’m not planning to get married lah!!

At this point, when Along Ima is doing her specialization, I keep on hearing stories about having to pass more and more exams, stories about this specialist and that specialist. They sound sooooooooo fear-provoking that I’ve become more sensitive over that than before. It’s like, “Hellloooo, orang baru nak merangkak start degree and now you’re talking about dreadful things during specialization!!”. Sigh.. And then, semua orang dah kawen and dah ade family and dah ade anak2, rasa mcm, “hmm, bilakah masaku akan tiba?”. Sabar je la kan. I have miles and miles away of trail to run on and I just hope I could be strong enough to face all those predicaments.

Anyways, I’ve just received my new simcard just now [yep, my handphone was stolen] with the same old maxis number. If you text me and I ask “who’s this?”, please don’t be offended because I have no number saved in my phone except for family’s numbers. Ermm.. what else? And oh yea, if you’re going to putrajaya tomorrow for the fireworks competition and you see me busying myself with my camera and pretending as if I do not know anyone in this world, pardon me for that [ceh, bajet org nak carik ko ke dina oi!] because I might not wearing my glasses so tak nampak org sekeliling :p And now, I feel like bursting out crying because I’ve left my camera untouched for three weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~

Ok2, enough drama. I’m so exhausted so I’d better stop now. Till then.. Salam~

P/S: No new photo posted up because I’ve run out of pictures :( *sadis*


izyankhairuo said...

phone was stolen when u're about to fly! hah mcm pernah kulalui itu...;p

anyway, hope everything is fine with ur preparation going overseas:) blaja elok2 kat sana nnti.(like u need the advice la kan?!heh jgn jadi mcm izyan, 1st year mengong2.. it's good tht u have tht kind of kesedaran dari awal. mcm kte, masuk awal is not necessarily a good thing, kepala otak tak betul lagi & not well-orientated! so get ur mind well-focused sblm fly dina!haha)

Currently in Bairnsdale(rural..rural..). we got a REALLY nice house to stay in here! lake & boats are our backyard;) hehe..sgt lawa.. owh skrg ni tgh gune internet sementara tggu nak masuk ED. so yea, selamat~

Anonymous said...


bz nye kamu!!sorry la xtrn kl smalam..awk nye pre dept abis kol bapekah? n i've been waiting for ur new entry,hehe..tbe2 kt mcm miss awak n tingkap bilik awk dkt kolej*mata bergenang2 nih* tk care:)

deynarashid said...

izy- at least tak pernah lagi phone kene curik mase tido tepi tingkap!! hahahaha.. Ooops, terkantoi plak.
weyh, mcm best je kat bairnsdale tu. tp awk kene igt, awk pegi situ nak jadik doctor tau izy, bukan naik boat kat lake. hehehehe *jeles je senornye*
eh, kite nak no phone awk n alamat rumah awk balik! sume dalam phone, sume hilang. bengong btol org yg curik tu!!

sarah- huhu it's ok :) habis lambat pon, around 4 mcm tu. nnt kite jumpe! kite nak bg awk birthday present awk yg kite x bagi2 lg tu. huhu..