Monday, December 03, 2007

Cues oh cues..

Ok, enough of the fantasy. Let's get back to reality, shall we?

Just now I had my second c0mmunic@ti0n skill seminar and just like the previous one, we touched about picking up patients' cues particularly the verbal ones. At first, I had a little bit confusion about verbal cues. I mean, it's easy to define non-verbal cues like eye contact, facial expression, body language yada yada yada but how do you actually detect verbal cues?

It took me quite a while to get my head round this. The only thing that could help is by being an active listener. And I tell you, it's not as easy as it sounds. I thought all this while I'm a good listener. Yea, talking about perasan, I can be perasan at times. Anyways, maybe you think 'ahha, it's not that hard to be a good listener. Just maintain the eye contact and do some noddings to show that you understand..'. Well, it doesn't quite so. The main important thing in being an active listener is to FOCUS on what the patient has to say and by that I mean no distraction whatsoever through out the conversation!

Ok, you might think 'Err ok. Just focus.. and.. that's it..?'. Well yea, basically that's about it. But once you're in the conversation, it's very hard to stay in focus, to be honest. I mean, every single word that come out of the patient's mouth could be verbal cues. It's just up to your judgment on which to pick up. Maybe it's quite hard for me because I've never been taught about verbal cues before but once you're accustomed to it, it shouldn't be a problem.

Few things that I learnt from today's seminar are:
  • I'm not actually a good listener *applause* I mean, it's hard actually to be one.
  • I'm actually encountering endless list of verbal cues everyday! It's just that it's not a, in my case, medic-patient conversation but still, there are just too many to deal with! Cewah poyo la jugak tapi tu la, tak perasan je selama ni. Hmm..
  • Patient ni macam2 ragamnye. Not that I'm not aware of this fact but once you've experienced it yourself, then you really know the true taste of it. And I'm not complaining though. They just need help so I'm here to learn to be a person who can help, insyaAllah.
You know why I'm writing this some sort of reflection stuff every time I underwent a seminar or a medical programme or anything? These people believe that by doing some reflections, you'll learn more about it, whether you realise it or not. Mula2 aku macam malas sket nak buat reflection2 ni sbb malas nak kena ada reflection diary lah ape lah, but come to think of it, it really does help! Macam muhasabah diri la kan. And I don't actually need a diary, blog sudah mencukupi. Huhu..

And.. it doesn't need to be lengthy and draggy so yea, I'll stop here. Have a nice evening people! :D

I've always loved sky. Because it reminds me a lot of things. It represents the true meaning of freedom. And it's incomparably beautiful. Because the Creator behind it, is The Most Magnificent of all :)


Tok Rimau said...

Tok suka doktor yang menerangkan asal usul penyakit dan bagaimana jangkitan boleh berlaku.

Tok tak suka doktor yang malas memberi pengetahuan kepada pesakit.

Tok juga benci doktor yang cuba memujuk mengatakan sakit ni biasa je. Jangan risau. I want him to treat me as if my illness is a very serious illness.

deynarashid said...

Tok rimau!!!!!!!!!!!!!
waaaah, terharunye nampak nama tok bg komen. hehehe.. dah lama sangat x baca tok punye blog. sob2.. baiklah tok, akan saya jadi doktor yg berjaya nnt, insyaAllah. doakan saya! :) trime kaseh tok!!