Thursday, February 14, 2008

Of locking it up..

A day before yesterday. I planned to get into bed by 9.30pm. But I switched off the light at 11++pm.

Yesterday. I planned to get into bed by 9.30pm. But I slept at 12.15am.

Today. I plan to get into bed by 9.30pm. But it’s 11.56pm already and I’m still awake.

And everyday. I wake up as early as 5am and as late as 6am. As a result of that, I’ve been having headache these few days and it just gets worse. The only way to deal with it is by taking panadols. I don’t want to get myself too dependent on pills and tablets. But I have no choice. And tomorrow, I’m going to have another ‘Health in Community’ activity. I can only just keep my fingers crossed that they’ll let us go by 4. Sangat tak larat. Sob2..

However. On a brighter note:

“hi there

im publishing a book on malaysia (celebrating & showcasing her positively).. and am getting opinions/ contributions.

we would like to request if you would like to share this photo to be featured?

the photo is still yr copyright.

as a token, we will acknowledge you (& yr blog/ site if any) below yr photo.

looking to hear from you.

ps: you can also tell us yr feeling when you took this photo, or your opinion on it - what you like : or find it unique ;)

do also give yr name, location, hobby + blog/ website (if any).

thanks :)” – a random guy from flickr.

I’m flattered and absolutely honoured, really. I’ve never thought I would be proposed with such prestigious offer. I mean, the highest stage I thought I can go is just to see my picture on the Explore. Not to be put in a published book! But, guess that’s just some hit-and-miss affairs that you can’t really expect to come about. It’s such a pleasure, really. It has been quite a while since I last snapped photos apart from the same views of sky and sunset. I just can’t wait for my Prague trip this easter, insyaAllah *grin*.

So, that’s about it. Till then.. Salam..

Photo taken by photo_quit.
“There’s nothing to wait for and it’s just a waste of time to wait for uncertainties. And I’m very grateful for having such guts and willpower to let everything go. Because somehow or another, I have faith in Him and I know, if He doesn’t give me what I want now, He’ll give me later. Or He’ll grant me with something better. And I believe that he knows that too. All that he does not know is how much I’ve sacrificed for everything. Never thought of telling him that and he does not even have to know because everything is over… Everything is over now.” - Looking forward to tomorrow. BUT UNFORTUNATELY..

It’s not over.
Just yet.
I surrender.
I want to lock up my heart.
And throw away the key.
Because I don't need it anymore.
I don’t want to be chased anymore.
I don’t want to be in the game anymore.
I don’t want to be the person whom I used to be anymore.
I don’t want to let him influence my life anymore.
Because I don’t think I’m strong enough.
To be hurt.


Mysara said...

congrats dina about the photo.mmg cantik sgt that pix,rase cam awak edit kat photoshop je =P haha..
anyway,rehat puas2 this weekend,spya x stress next week.hehe..


deynarashid said...

haha.. mmg la edit kat photoshop. huhu.. tp warna biru tu mmg originally taken from camera la. cuma edit contrast, saturation etc.

esok nk gi town lagi. tak cukup pegi tadi. haha.. itula 'rehat' namenye :P

Anonymous said...

syira -
deynaaaa!! congratsss! cool gle ur pic masuk buku!!! sure berbangge 'kejap' kan? hehehhehe. tp mmg lawa gile dat pic! coolnessss~ keep it up my friend!! and oh, eventho kte amat2la jarang nk chat or anything dgn awk, but just want u to know dat bile kte rindu awk, i'll drop by this page. heheheh. and hell yeah, im missssing you, izzy, nazi and sume2lahhh! izy blk msia pun kejap gle kayyyyy~ huhuhuhu.
guess the nex time i'll be seeing u guys is next year lah kot. goshhhhh! lambat lg. but anyways, do know dat i never forget u okay! miss ya! *hugs*

*sorry terpanjang plak.hehehe*

deynarashid said...

syira- trime kasih trime kasih :D kite bleh jumpe next year ke?? kite punye cuti mane penah same syira. hehe.. come to UK la!! UK ramai org best. heheheheheh :P

nway, thanx a lot syira. i really appreciate your time for this crappy blog. well, the thought that really counts anyway. lame gile x jumpe korg lepas ni. sob2.. thanx again! n do take care!! *hugs* :)