Sunday, May 04, 2008

Another Day..

1st of June, 2008.


I don't know whether I should remember that date or not. I'm sure will even though I don't want to. I think I'm happy right now. I think I have the widest smile on my face right now. I think it's a tear of happiness on my cheek right now.

I know it will arrive sooner or later. I know I should have prepared for it long time ago. I know I should not be this surprised. I just know it! But why do I feel so akward? Why don't I feel the way I should be?

I just can't stop smiling!! You know what.. I'm not sure whether it's a good news to start off my day with or not. But whatever it is, I am so happy for you. And I will always pray for your happiness.

You know, like what I used to do, I would write you a long letter, telling you how sorry I am for what had happened, telling you how immature and ridiculous everything was, telling you how utterly funny things were, thanking you for those unforgettable ages, basically harking back to the past.

Although this entry is soooo understated and not enough, I'm still not doing it as I know it won't change anything. I don't want to spoil everything as how they have been set up for. As long as I know that this is the true bliss you've been looking for, that means the whole world to me. And I am sooo going to miss you.

Félicitations :)

Oh by the way, my exams are on the 2nd and 3rd of June. And that just spoils my mood T_T

May Allah bless you. And everyone around you.

p/s: To my blog readers, I know you know that I'm writing this specifically for someone else with a hope that the person reads it. But if the person does not, that is just fine. But as a result of this oh-so-shocking news I've just received this morning, I'll probably be offline for these few days. Let's just hope not for that long but I can't make any promise. As I am unacceptably feeling bemused with myself, I think I just need some space and time to get everything healed up. I'm sorry for this nonsensical entry but I myself hope things would be a little bit enlightening when they are just not making any sense at all. And now I'm talking gibberish as well! Urgh, whatever kot? Haha.. Pray for me, will you? Take care :)


Anonymous said...

hope u are ok now, sis. it's time for you to move on.

Anonymous said...

hish, apecer ni weh? ko offline trus ke? ym? msn? fine.. tolong la cek email ye.

deynarashid said...

im- thanx bro. doakan dina eh :)

alia- insyaAllah aku akan cek email setiap hr. huhu.. thanx alia :) n sorry jugak sbb menghilangkan diri. hehe.. aku ade je senornye. papehal, email eh!