Friday, May 02, 2008

The 'Thing'

Dua hari lepas, genap setahun MM tinggalkan dunia blogging. Tak tahu kenapa tapi aku rasa sangat sentimental [being me, of course..]. I don’t know what she has been up to now but I pray to God that she’s coping her life well, be it for herself or for her family.

For the next four sessions, I will be having ‘Neoplasia’ for my MoD [mechanisms of disease] module. Now I get to know better the ‘thing’ that made MM’s life horrible for the past few years. Now I get to acquaint the ‘thing’ through which my aunty has to be. Whatever the ‘thing’ is, I’m sure it’ll make me appreciate this life more.

"During a routine medical check up, it was one of the blood test I request that tells me I have cancer. Listen to our body." - My endless support.

"According to her doctor, with such size of tumor, it is said that it has been developed since 9 years ago. And last day I heard Along Ima and Dad’s conversation about this. She said that the probability for the tumor to undergo metastasis (the spread of cancer from its primary site to other places in the body (e.g., brain, liver)) is quite high and it will be such a miracle if it doesn’t." - The Chill.

“Mak Ham buat CT scan tadi. Doctor kata the cell has gone to the liver and the spleen. About 1 to 2 cm jugak. Hari isnin baru buat bone scan pulak. Ntahla, kesian Mak Ham.” - The Chill II.

One of Lupi's friends in Cork has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Kesian sangat. Tak tahulah apa cerita dengan akak tu. One power that the ‘thing’ has is, it can choose whoever and whenever it wants.

You. Me. Them. Or None.

Now. Tomorrow. Later. Or Never.
photo taken by firdaus omar.
To MM, for what you, MaleNurse and your family had gone through before, I hope your life offers you better things now :)

To ai and sarah, I've changed my background music. Dah tak sedih2 dah. Skrg lagu trance plak. Haha.. If you guys don't like this music as well, blame Zh@riq for making me having a liking for it. Hehe :P

To anyone who'll be having exams in the nearest time, all the best. I'm not gonna have any until early June. So yea, I'm currently not-quite-enjoying these brain-stuffing moments. Let's just hope that we'll survive the days!

To Kak Z@f [whom I doubt will be reading this. Huhu..] good luck with your final project! Semoga Allah permudahkan segalanya.

To miss mimi, thanks for promoting my blog. Now you've put it in a blaze of publicity! Cewah! Hahaha perasannye!! Nak aku belanje, meh la datang UK! Ade Nandos halal. Ha ha..

Ok, jom sambung belajar!
p/s: May we learn some lessons from those previous entries whose links I've put above.

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