Monday, March 20, 2006

Happy 2nd Birthday Nazme! *flying kiss*

It has been seven days now. There’s no sign of recovery. What keeps me sane is the medicine. I don’t know what disease has got into me but this weird sickness really drag me down and up until now, doctors are still unsure with my ailment. The weird thing about this is, my body temperature will dramatically goes up at night and significantly drops during the day. And something keeps penetrating my brain all the time. Now, I’m depending on the ubat or else I’ll be in bed through out the day. Mum and Dad are so fretful about me and I don’t like to see them in such situation. It really makes me glum when Mum calls and messages me asking “Anak Mum mcm mana” “Jaga diri baik2” “Mum sayang anak Mum..” nak nangis bleh tak? *sob sob*

I actually went home last weekends and I did my blood test twice. The first test depicted quite substantial fall in my platelets count (normal level is between 150 to 450 and mine was on the fence) and total white blood count (3.3). And for the second test, my platelets count apparently rose a bit to 168 but the total white count turun lagi sampai 2.5. And tomorrow I’m going to do another test maybe in Hosp. Tanjung Malim la kot. Tak best sebab takde Mum T_T Hehe.. The funny part was when I saw Dr. Shamsiah the other day, she asked me a few questions but none of them gave her any hint.

DR: Ada batuk ke selsema ke?
Me: Tak
DR: Sakit tekak?
Me: Tak. (and then she checked my tekak la..)
DR: Tekak ok. (Duh!)
DR: Ada kena gigit nyamuk?
Me: Tak
DR: Kolej dekat dengan hutan ke?
Me: Mmg hutan. Tapi tak pernah nampak satu nyamuk pun.
DR: Ada pergi camping mana2 ke.
Me: Tak
DR: Mandi kat sungai ke, laut ke.
Me: Tak (Haih..)
(And then she did the denggi test – negative)
DR: Takpela, saya bagi je ubat bla bla bla…

Kesimpulannye, doctor tu pun kecewa sbb tak mampu nak diagnose. Heh..Ntahla.. Hopefully I’m getting over this soon. Alhamdulillah my practical exam just now was ok. I can say I expected that question to come out. Thanx to my intuitive sense. Heh..

Anyways, today is somebody’s birthday. Too bad I can’t be with him this evening for a small celebration party. Sedih gile T_T He’s a big boy now. I always tell Along Ima, ‘Nazme tu dah boleh masuk tadika dah! Buat bising kat rumah je’ Heh.. But he’s just 2, too young to be let free. Hehe.. I know he’ll become a good boy one day. Boleh kene rugged ngan Mak Na. Hehehe.. Miss him so much :) Tok Dad belikan Nazme hadiah sampai 100 over! Melampau.. My birthday present pun tak semahal tu. Takde birthday present pun, slalu ade kek je. Huhu..Tapi best gile hadiah tu. Takut Mak Na yang main, bukan Nazme. Heh.. Ok ah, kepale dah pening balik, nak kene makan ubat. Pray for me to get well soon. I really need my normal life back. Isk.. Till then, tata!
'Language has created the word loneliness to express the pain of being alone.. And the world solitude to express the glory of being alone.. The memory will always be in mind. Thanx for once being a part of my life :)'

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