Sunday, May 28, 2006

Farewell, So Long

The other day, Ija and me traded our secrets about mr. 768477. So she has a crush on him too. Eh no. I mean, she has a crush on him without the word ‘too’ if you get what I mean. Heh.. Lawak gile tak bleh blah ar. Haha.. But it was kinda fun having a looong chat with Ija the night before I had my SECOND LAST paper, which was chemistry paper 1. Yep, sadly, it wasn’t THE LAST. The last paper will be on next Wednesday. I mean, on the 7th. After wondering for ages, now I know who is mr. 768477’s pet sis. Good to hear that he’s labeled as ‘pet bro yg tak bergune’ Hahaha!! Because I know how and when he can be a ‘kawan yg bergune’ Hehe…

I’s only 2 weeks to go before everything ends. The good news for myself is, I’m getting better and fine about it. I’m cool as usual :) Maybe because I’m working on the Diam0nd Farewell Party at the moment so, I don’t really have much time to layan all these crappy and think too much about it. Just let the time goes on its own pace la kan.

One weird thing about me is, whenever I get emotional (in this case, over this lad) I will calm myself by deleting everything I have that reminds me of him i.e. messages and his phone num and pretend like they never exist. Poyo? Ahah…normal la tu. Idop mesti poyo kan izy? Huhu.. I have 2 numbers, one is maxis and the other one is celcom. It means to say that I have 2 handphones. So, in the first place, I saved his num in both phones. The funny part comes when I deleted his num in the first phone and tried to memorize his num from the second phone but only to find that I have already deleted the num in the second phone. Heh.. Kesimpulannye, no tu dah ilang. Huhu.. The other funny part is, yesterday, while I was looking for his last message that I kept in one of my blog entries, I found that I had already canceled that part of the entry. Siot betul.. Sekarang, nyesal delete sume bende. Hahaha.. But it’s ok. I can feel new things will come in along the way. Ahaks.. Nah, I think it’s better to have things this way. All I need to do is just keep myself contented and hope everything will turn out good. And of course, pray hard for my AS results that will be announced next August. Cuak gile bebb..

So the next agenda is the house farewell party. It’s an annual event that junior i.e. my organizing committee have to conduct to celebrate our seniors before they leave soon *sob sob* I just can’t imagine how the diam0nd house atmosphere would be without those happy-go-lucky seniors. Indeed, every sweet memory will always be engraved in mind. Since I was in the secondary school, I had never have a bunch of happy seniors beside like what I have here in kyu3m. Although I’m not very close to P3jai (my pet bro) and Kak Mir@ (my pet sis), they will always be a brother and a sister to me. And 3ppy yg comel, h@zwan yg klaka, kak zaz@ yg sweet, yan@ pau yg kecowh, d0d0e yg cool, d3he yg poyos, and semua la!! Uuuuuu…sedihnyee. But that’s how things go. Every meeting will always come with a part. Happiness will always come with unhappiness. That’s life and we have to live with it no matter what.

Time flies extremely fast. Rasa mcm baru semalam je enroll tapi sebenarnye, dah nak dekat setahun duk kolej ni. Rase kejap sgt. Tuptaptuptap, next sem I have to start working on my personal statement and have to make decision on which University to apply. And IF AND ONLY IF I were applying for Oxf0rd or C@mbridge (which I think I won’t get the offer but just try, I've got nothing to lose), I need to make everything settled by September. Haih…cuaknyeee!!!!!! Takpe2, there’s always Him beside for us to depend Him on. Pray for me yea people!!

Better stop now. Nak gi makan. Heh..Tata~

P/S: Happy Birthday to youuu.. Happy Birthday to youuuu.. Happy Birthday to Ikma111111.. Happy Birthday to youuuu!! Mal, congrats for the offer! Hidop bahgie menjadi londoner huh?? ;p All da best in LSE!

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