Tuesday, May 02, 2006

A gentle reminder for myself...

..I'm now studying in kyu3m and competing with my rivals and I by no mean would win the game if I keep on going through the wrong way. So shall I start the new and the right mean before everything gets too late..

Supposedly, the newly created url of this blog should have gotten the chance to hide under its shadows but apparently, 2 more persons have finally come across this blog, inadvertently I suppose. Or is it intentionally? Hehe.. No no, don’t get me wrong. I really don’t mind and I’m in no intention to change it again. No obvious reasons for that I guess. It’s just…funny when the unlikely things are happening instead. Oh, it’s not a big deal anyway.

So, Pak Kojer has finally moved over to Wordpress and being oh-so-techie person of him, he managed to keep up well. And as ever, his writings never bring me down. You know what? If I happened to study in UK in near future (Allah willing, Aminn..), I would be very honored to meet him. I don’t know why. Maybe because I’ve been reading his blog since last year and know quite a lot (not literally though) about him and he is indeed a person to be looked up to. He’s an interesting man I presume. Oh, and his post about ‘The Necklace’ has never failed to get me! I just like whatever he rambles on.

Anyways, my speaking test with Mr. Cr@nwell went out good. He’s very supportive and kewl. Really enjoyed chatting with him. Not just the about ‘NHS jobs being cut off’ but the whole friendly conversation was a pretty winning one. He does not teach me and has never taught me English before, so that was a pretty good start I guess. And he reminds me so much of Pak M@n. I’m not sure which part. Jambang die kot. Hehe..

Well, I don’t really have things to write actually. Just a little thought to be get rid of. Hehe.. And as usual, silat practice will be held tonight *panting* Sigh…I’m not sure since when but just recently, I think I have started to get gripped by my own future planning. I’m not as ambitious as my other friends I tell you. Seriously..I have been living in competitive environments since I was a kid and I have never found them hard to deal with. Not that my rivals are not competitive enough. Hell they sure are!!! But here in kyu3m especially, I can assure you that amongst the students, I am the last person to read on current issues be it economical or political. I don’t mind if people know more things than me, they should get their own credits but I myself am so ‘malas’ to be hardworking and be a 'pulun' student. Hehe.. But duh (!) I'm not a gifted person and forcedly have to work hard at the end of the day. Sigh..

You know, people over here do read that sort of things for self-gaining and of course for other potential benefits like interviews and all that. But I don’t usually SEARCH current issues to read them on. I’m more into blogs. Hehe.. But I don’t know what has gotten me, I found it very very interesting to know about new things that I don’t know. You get what I mean? And they are surely helpful no matter for my own language developments or for my own knowledge. In a way, it results in expansion of my ‘the-most-read’ list regardless the type of the writings (sadly to say, the nonsense ones top the good ones off. Hahaha!). It’s a good thing; I’m not denying it. And it’s interesting too. And I slowly get to expose my mind to things other than personal stuff, be it of my own or of other people’s. That’s another good thing. At least I’m building up my self-confidence from within, that’s good enough.

I actually have things to get done. Hehe.. But you know, writing gives me pleasure once in a while. And I think my brain is congested with chemistry, econs, maths and bio stuff. So might as well ‘dilute’ them off and get them digested well. Hehe.. Oh, talking about mr. 768477 (it’s for me to know and not for you to find out ;p), I saw him in black today. And as ever, he always looks smart no matter what colour he is in. Haha! And everytime I look up the GB map, I could not take my eyes off Lancester. And the good thing is, Lancester is not that far from the places I’m planning to go. Hahah!!! Nah…crap. Abaikan.. I’m just catching my own drift ;p

So the other 3 I3LTS components will be rounded off this Saturday so, I surely am crossing my fingers to get a better band. And… *suffocating* my AS papers are coming up soon jusssssssssssstttt arooooouuunnnnddd tthhheeee cooorrrrrrnnerrrr!!!! Sheesh, I’m freaking out! Can never get out of this can I? Well, I need to keep on praying hard that’s for sure. So, wish me luck guys and pray for me too :)

The growth leaves some behind. But definitely not me, insyaAllah :)

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