Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Stint

"Hi dinos, hehe aku dengar ko dpt notts ek? Congratulasi lah k, papehalpun at least dah secure tempat, so skrg ko kene study je lah k, buat yang terbaik tau, k na, papehal email la aku k, take care.." -lupi

Alhamdulillah, segala puji hanyalah untuk Allah, Tuhan sekalian alam. Aku dah tak tahu nak kata apa. I couldn’t find any way anymore to manifest my happiness. It was really something that I’ve never imagined to happen. I still remember the moment when I stepped my feet out of the interview room, every single hope and dream diminished. Notts was totally gotten rid of my mind because I knew I didn’t give the best out of me and it wasn’t good enough to get me a place. I walked home hopelessly, helplessly, knowing that Notts would never be the place I’d end up in.

But after what had happened today, I knew I didn’t deserve the gift. It was too good to be true. I still cannot believe it myself. I was checking my email as usual in the library and was hoping for at least one reply from ucas but only to find spams. I was just trying my luck and checked my ucas track. The first thing I saw on the site was ‘conditional’ and much to my surprise; it was indeed from Notts Uni. My eyes instantly dwelled because I couldn’t hold my feelings and I stormed out right away and called mum.

You know how sensitive and melancholic I am when it comes to things like this because I really appreciate the precious moment that swiftly passed me by and the reasons behind everything that has happened to me. I mean, I wanted to believe that it wasn’t because I did well in the interview, no, I didn’t. But it still came up the way I’d hoped it to be. Maybe to some people this seems normal and common but to me it doesn’t. After I’ve gone through those hardships all this while I knew it was purely my rezeki. And after being in a right pickle I knew Allah has helped me a lot, more than I could ever see in my mind's eye. And I knew it was because the strong beliefs that I hold on to that actually repaid all those worries I had in mind.

I couldn’t be more thankful. I really am bersyukur with all my hearts and I really hope things would still turn out good in the forthcoming days.

"Tiada satu bencana pun yang menimpa di bumi dan tidak pula pada diri kalian kecuali telah tertulis dalam kitab Lauh Mahfuz sebelum Kami menciptakannya. Sesungguhnya yang demikian itu mudah bagi Allah. (Kami jelaskan yang demikian itu) supaya kalian tidak berputus asa atas apa yang luput dari kalian dan supaya kalian tidak terlalu gembira terhadap apa yang diberikan kepada kalian. Allah tidak menyukai setiap orang yang sombong lagi membanggakan diri" - Surah Al-Hadid: Ayat 22-23).

Sabarlah menghadapi hari-hari yang sukar kerana semua kesukaran pasti ada akhirnya dan kesabaran itu hanya dimiliki oleh orang yang mempunyai kedudukan mulia.



Anonymous said...

a quote from roy - ala dina tu selalu je risau itu ini, last2 dapat jugak. nyampah tau.

hehe we've never been worried about you because we know u'll do well regardless all hardships. we know u're strong enough to undergo all those predicaments. u know that we never measure how far u've achieved, it's about what you've learned. many congrats to you sis! sya, ila, roy n everyone miss you just as much. we're very proud of you!

Anonymous said...


ala..nnt awk nk g notts kah?blh la usha kan my abg amri..huhu..u noe what i mean rite??:)

deynarashid said...

im- alaaaaa terharunyeeee. rase nak nangis pulak. rindu gile kat korang :'( sob2.. roy memang gedik tau. huhu.. thanx a lot guys! i'd never go this far without u guys!!!!

sarah- tak kot sarah. kite pegi leicester insyaAllah. alaa abg amri dah lame hilang dari ingatan la. cewah! hehe..