Monday, December 03, 2007

Smiling makes you feel good :)

=) =) =)

Last night I couldn’t close my eyes even I was soo sleepy and tired. Now, I can’t stop from smiling. Tak pasti kenapa rasa nak senyum sentiasa. Nak kata happy, xdela sangat sbb petang ni ade c0mmunicati0n skill seminar tapi... ntahla. Heh..

He always surprises me with unexpected things. He still has the element of ‘uniqueness’ in him. Well, I honestly didn’t know him inside out so can’t really tell much about it. Although it was quite brief, it went so monotonously, smooth and clean. Not that we used to talk dirty or anything but ‘clean’ in a sense of no falling-outs, no hard feelings whatsoever. Though, he didn’t have any introduction like ‘salam’ or ‘hello’ or ‘hai’ or anything. That makes me laugh somehow. Huhu..

Yep, we finally talked. After more than 3 years now, I’m glad that he could still accept me as his friend.

Just in case if you happened to read this h@fiz, good luck with your interview tomorrow! Selamat bertugas sebagai seorg junior doctor yg berjaya! =) =)


Anonymous said...

Awk dh in touch balik dgn hafiz? how come how come?

deynarashid said...

thirah [i suppose?]- ahaha..xdela in touch ape pon. kat ym je. sekali tu je la. pastu dah takde ym lg dah. die bz kot. finally, kite rase enough is enough kot? i mean, kite nak move on [slama ni mmg kite still tunggu dia pon] n nak happy sentiasa. huhu.. ntahla.. susah sket nak ckp pasal ni :|