Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The World Is Shrinking! II

The world is shrinking yet even more!! Huhu..

I don’t want to sound so jakun but I can’t help it! Hehe.. Let me give another list..
  • The other day during the N0tt$ games, on the bus, on my way back from P0wer Le@gue to Sports Centre, I stumbled upon a girl named H@n@. She’s now studying in Kings C0llege in L0nd0n. I browsed his friendster just now and I was quite surprised to see her primary photo with h@di!! H@di is Lupi’s friend since forever [kawan dari kecik la, dulu h@di ni kawan F@rh@n, my kazen, kat JB dulu..], and only to find out that H@di is actually H@n@’s cousin. Hmm.. Pastu some of her friends are my college friends as well like m3k n sh@t. Tapi tu tak kisah la sbb mmg ramai gile pun dak2 kolej kat L0nd0n.

  • BUT.. I accidentally figured out that H@n@ is a friend of T@ufiq as well! Huhu.. T@ufiq is my flickr friend je la, takde la close pun but still la kan..

  • And.. One of H@n@’s friends, F@zri1, who was once in my college before he moved to KTJ, is actually a friend of @ni$i$m!! And @ni$i$m is one of my social contacts from $FC$!!!

  • Ada sorg kawan N@i1i ni, nama dia Ry3, a freelance photographer as well. I just found out that Ry3 is actually N@dy@’s cousin [kalau bukan kazen pun sedara mara la]!! Kisah N@dy@ ni pun complicated sket. Basically the network goes like this: Me - miru1 - MM - TT - N@dy@. Haaa kecik tak kecik dunia ni! Huhu.. Tapi tak tekejut sgt la sbb miru1 n MM n TT n N@dy@ tu famous bloggers so mmg byk network pon. N@dy@ ni jugak lah yg banyak ajar aku pasal photography senornye.
Hmm.. Amazing race btol..

Anyways, to T0k rim@u yg kewl sentiasa, thanx for picking this site as 'blog of the day' couple of days ago. I'm honoured, really =) I'm not sure which part that really excited me but I somehow felt like being at home, reading @KB. Hehe.. Nak suruh Mum bawak laa buku tu. Heh.. Rindu pulak nak baca entry2 pak rimau n pak naga. Haih..


Tok Rimau said...

Pening baca @ kerinting.

deynarashid said...

hehehe.. tu la, masalahnye zaman skrg ni kan tok, org suka google nama diorg tau, jadi, blog sy slalu menjadi mangsa [tu tandenye blog sy ni suke ngumpat! astaghfirullah..] jadi utk mengelakkan si labah-labah cyber mengesan sy punye blog bile org google nama diorg, saya pun mengguna @ utk gantikan 'a' :D harap tok dpt memahami. heh..