Sunday, January 27, 2008

Here comes the snow..

That's all I could give.
You're the shooting star..











She's going back to Australia tomorrow. I wonder when we could hang out, catch up on each other, and do things like what best friends always do. Although she's moved to bangi, we're still continentally apart, and have different term and holiday dates. And by that I mean, we'll never get to see each other until God-knows-when.
photo taken by picture.girl.
"I know you’re with me, through and through, in every shooting star." Miss u, izy =)

P/S: Happy 2nd Birthday, Effa!!!!! Mak Na miss u like crazy!! :P


Anonymous said...

owh, and if you're talking about izyan, ask her to update he blog too.. haha.

deynarashid said...

hehe.. she said she doesnt have time. and malas. maybe if u ask her, she might probably want to get back to blogging. huhu..

oh by the way, i met hazreen, ur batch in langkawi, in birmingham yesterday. but we were kinda in a rush so tak sempat pulak nak beborak lama.

izyankhairuo said...

cis talking behind my back eh?! haha takdela.. iAllah kalau rajin, will update (tapi ntah bile la tu)

skrg ni kat rmh senior.die pegi hosp, kte plak takde keta kat rumah, so berehat la dulu..malas gile kot nak pindah2!

dina, stars always remind me of u..what more if it's a shooting star!penah jugak sekali nampak kat sini last year.. dina, rindu gile nak jumpe!ni seriously nk jumpe..uhuh really need ur presence right now tp nak buat camane kan? bkn blh naik banana boat je gi sane..

life is a test & trial.hope u're doing good overthere and already can think straight ok?

"I am and will always with you, through and through, in every shooting star." :)

with love that goes beyond words,