Saturday, October 22, 2005

Phoebe: Thank you, that helps!

6 episodes of FRIENDS in a row were so cool! Cracking yourself up is the best you could do when you’re not feeling so right. Yea, I felt that way for some reasons so I decided to treat myself with something nice. Just like it sounds, laughter is really the best medicine. Well, at some certain point, it doesn’t go so right though. Uh, whatever. I just miss home so much T_T

I called Mum just now. She sounded somewhat contented and enthusiastic. I’m not sure what she was up to but I bet it must be something nice. And apparently angah aya was at Bangi with Salma and the family might have break-fasting together this evening. It is just so unfair when I wanted to go home so badly but I can’t because I’m wavering between two things which up until now, I think I have chosen the wrong thing and should have gone home instead. Geesh, I hate this feeling man. Aiyay! Better leave off or else I’ll be moping around and feeling sorry for myself which is not very good. So, yea, cheer up myte!

Mathematics paper this morning was not the right thing to say for the moment. Heh.. I don’t think I had done my best because I think that was the most hideous answers I could give. I should have done a lot of revisions and kept reminding myself that it is not a modern mathematics anymore which could be done in 10mins! Oh well.. GS paper was way better though. Albeit I just flipped through the book and inadvertently not quite reading it (heh..), I didn’t find it that hard especially when it comes to objective questions where you can ‘tembak-menembak’ ;P and I'm glad it's done!

Athirah and Amy came by just now. Really glad to see them again! Too bad they were here for just a couple of hours. Shat, Esah n Fira went back as well and they should feel sorry for leaving me here, stranded in this hutan belantara. And they are having a break-fasting together at OU with Hajar, Sarah and all those peeps. Best gile.. hmm.. Well, at least I’m having a dinner jugak kan this malam at Tanjung Malim. Tapi makan dgn family lagi best kot? Takpe laa.. Next week balik! Yay! Can’t wait to see Nazme =)

Anyways, I chatted with anid over MSN yesterday. She put this one well-edited picture for her display picture and it was really cute! She told me about getting involved in photography and of course I laughed my head off! You know why? Because the other day I told her about this blog by which I got engrossed with all those cool pictures. And I told her that one fine day I might have my own digital SLR camera for my own leisurely photographing activities. And she replied “Dah la tu jangan nak berangan. Doctor pun tak pas lagi..” and if she really thinks that I could not make it, then she is totally wrong. Of course I’m going to work hard on it although I know I’ve got to make my priorities straight tapi apa salahnya kan? Even this one doctor in Singapore writes poetry during his free time so why can’t I do something else for my own satisfaction right? It’s just that I might face the constraints of time which gives me no free times for this stuff. But it’s ok laa kan as long as you have the great gusto, you sure will cope it well. Haih..counting $£$£$£$£$£$£$!

For a digression, I think I’m being tracked. I don’t know but the stat indicated something odd. And the not-so-good thing is, the stat showed that this one certain fella is actually somewhere around this college. Woohhoo spookeeeee. Come on, fella. Reveal yourself!

Ok, have a nice weekend guys!


Anonymous said...

frenz season brp?

so u've changed your mind nak jadik photographer pulak?hai kawan aku ni mcm2 betul.......tapi blog tu cool gile gmbr2 die.dpt bayangkan tak kalau ko dah ade dslr ko sndri, sure nazme jadik model ko nnt kan? confirm! ngahaha!

deynarashid said...

season 9 kak. season 10kat umah kot? heh..1keping cd 100ringgit. boleh buat kiriman wang pos kalau nak.cheque pun tunai lagi bagus la..ok dah dah. ya allah merepek x abis2!!!

hurmm..nazme model? of coz!!!! patrick nuo pun aku reject! haha..haih..for the mo, mimpi je laa ok? dah ade $$$$ baru kite ckp lagi ok? =P