Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The ever supercool Diamonders

As superb as it may sound, Bangsawan 2006 had finally brought back after a lapse of a year. A tremendous and thoroughgoing effort had been put into it and nothing else could make us smile but the indescribable joy and fun we had and also the bond we had forged as a family. Although it had over several days ago, the memorable moments and the unforgettable instants could never been diminished from remembrance.

Diamond was said to be superb and magnificent especially when the dazzling acting team, Nasyi, Nico, Acap, Farhana and other actors and actresses played their outmost talent on stage alongside the outstanding props and costumes. And not to forget, the most gempak Mr. Ucop and the gang who had done the greatest job (in terms of technical) in complementing the exceptional achievement of Diamond. Thus, we, the Diamonders had triumphantly won 4 awards out of 6 *applause!!*
  • The best Costume
  • The best Technical Management
  • The best Choreography
  • The best Props and Backdrop
Another 2 awards which were ‘The best Script’ and ‘The best Director’ went to Topaz and Sapphire respectively. Diamond however, did not manage to get the acting awards i.e. ‘The best Actor and Actresses’, ‘The best supporting Actor and Actresses’ and…… ‘The best Drama’ on the whole.

It was quite frustrating though when the judge announced the results for the best drama because I personally thought, the award was meant for other houses, not particularly Diamond but as in another 3 houses. Not that the winner did not deserve the award but somehow, I was not quite really involved emotionally into the drama. Don’t get me wrong, the drama was great, really but somehow someway I thought other houses ought to get the award. But that’s how things go anyways. Nevertheless, everyone deserved compliments though for the grand Bangsawan Night. Like what Mr. Azman said just now, “I’ve been watching Bangsawan since the first year and this is the best Bangsawan I’ve ever seen!” *clap clap!!*

The judges who were invited are from the Akademi Seni Kebangsaan and one of them was Zulhuzaimi whom until now, I’m not sure which one is him. Hehe.. Orang kata hensem, macam tak je. Dina ni buta-info pasal hiburan2 tanah air ni, tak kenal dia yg mane. Heh.. The comments from the judges on the whole were very constructive especially for the current juniors who will carry on the tradition next year.

Like what Zaf had said the other day, “The best Drama does not mean it’s the best Bangsawan” and I totally agree with that. They should have brought in the award of ‘The best Bangsawan’ where all aspects are taking into account (yep, all those props, costume and technical thingy. Hehe tak puas hati lagi ni ;p). But all in all, everything, everyone was magnificent!!

I can never meet this kind of opportunity elsewhere and I’m very grateful for being one of the Diamonders. Unlike the other houses (sorry, but it’s a fact J), Diamond is the most sensible house of all. We never condemn other houses, we never ‘halau’ other houses during our practice in the hall, we never ‘kunci pintu backstage’ during the Bangsawan Night and not letting the next house to perform to get their props ready at the backstage and we are simply the best house of all. Haha puji tak hengat ;p Being a sentimental me, I’m starting to reminisce all those moments we had spent together, from the pet family thingy to the House Trip to Pulau Jerejak and finally to the Bangsawan. The seniors are stepping down in few days’ time and new house committee will take place soon enough. Hopefully, this remaining few months before the seniors leave this beloved college would give us the best out of it. Diamond simply tops others off :)

Click here for more photos.


Anonymous said...

haih..takkan tak tumpang gembira saphire menang??haaahahaha...gurau je dina..lawa la gambar2..mentang2 la dah ada pakwe baru...takpe dina, belajar sikit2 lama2 jadi bukit.. :) ,im-dan

deynarashid said...

tumpang gembire??PALING X KOT. menyampah n meluat ade la.(heh sorry sape2 sapphire yg bace) tp sape suruh diorg halau diamond time diorg practice kat hall. cm kitorg nak tgk je!!!! mcm kitorg nak tiru je jalan cite diorg yg bosan nak mampus tu. time diamond nye practice ade house lain tgk kitorg lepak n chill je!!! sapphire je gelabah n bega tahap poyo nak mampus. malas ah kan nak ckp lebih2 walaupun mmg telebih n melampau pun diorg tu tp tu la, biar je la. diamond mmg baik. luahan prasaan emo jap k. tgh pms. hehe.

gmbr2 mmg lawa. sbb aku lawa. hahaha merepek. kalau sp350 tak mmpu nak bagi gmbr yg lawa ape cite kan. hehe. tgh blaja la ni. dah smpai kaki bukit dah. xlame lg smpai puncak k ;p

Anonymous said...

deyna..diamond mmg gempak tak hengat..huhu..best gile bangsawan..missing da old days when dodoe sent lots of messages suruh wat props..i agree wif u..gmbr2 tu mmg cun coz awk kt n other diamonders kan ayu n kacak2 belaka..go pga plis..huhu---sarah

Anonymous said...

pehhh..gempak gile siap ada bangsawan lagi tuh...macam best jer

deynarashid said...

sarah- hehe..diamond rox!! lepas ni diamond boleh lg mantap sebab adenye sarah dlm hi-com..hehe