Thursday, February 02, 2006

My first step towards my passion

It’s already 3rd of Feb and I’m going back to college in 2 days’ time. I’m not sure why but I feel something not good inside. Something that has never been sweet to taste. Maybe because of the thought of unprepared manifesto or maybe because of the thought of thriving for 3 AS papers in June or maybe because of the vague notion of where my life would be led to after this. So many things popped up surreptitiously in my head lately, trying to steal as much space as they can. Ignorance takes place most of the times but still, it takes me a lot of willpower to stay calm.

Anid asked me something hari tu ‘Dina, how can you write so much stuff in your blog? I’ve never had enough things to say in mine. Semua aku punye entry boring.’ ‘Hmm..never thought of it. Maybe because I express myself better in words rather than speak things out’ replied me. Or maybe because I want to be a good blogger one day, like pak kojer. Berjaya ke tak, that’s a secondary matter. Yang penting, the intention is there. So I practice to be like one. But of course, everything I write is nonsense. But wut the heck, I enjoy writing junk. And pretty good at it too ;p

Went to Alamanda with mum and dad the other day. Have been contemplating to treat myself a brand new camera. Ahem.. I saw this one cool Olympus. I don’t call it cool unless it makes me eager to possess it. And the price is as cool as it is too :) Told mum and dad about it. They said, why don’t I just wait till next year and get a new one before I fly overseas. Lagipun time tu baru boleh claim duit insurance. I was like ‘Tapi dina perlu sekarang (yea rite. Haha..) lagipun dina nak masuk photography club (Yep..just wait n see if Mr. Fo0rd allows me to join the club before the next registration)’. ‘But it’s 1.7k!’ … Dina terkedu. Heh.. ‘Tak kiraa!! Nak jugak!!!!’ a slow and unconscious voice raced through the back of my head. ‘Suka hati laa..’ was a definite final answer from mum and dad.

Through out my way back home, I tried to make a decision as best as I could. Considering the price and its importance for the time being, I knew it’s not the best idea to get me one. I know, this is the time for me to start learning on financial management and spending such amount of money just for a camera which I don’t think would need to be so canggih and mechanical is the best attempt I could take. For the mo, I’m still dithering over the cool one and this one. My heart says ‘take the cool one!’ but my oh-so-canny mind says ‘pick the latter. It’s just a waste of money if you take the former. Bukan ada banyak beza pun.’. Haih..

What ever it is, I’m still gonna get a camera no matter which one I pick. At the end of the day, my ever boosting photoshop skill plays the role. Heh heh..

Oh by the way, abang norman just bought his new car. And the super-duper cool thing ever is, it's a bmw. Hah hah hah hah! I'm so glad he bought one. Bleh pinjam melepaskan perasaan. New hot stuff always gives me a real thrill. Hehe..

Seperti biase, here's my daily dosage ;) Ok la nak tido. Dah nak dekat pukul 230. Till then guys. Have a nice weekends.


Anonymous said...

somthing not nice? memang la..sebab nak balik kolej lg 2hr. heehee..take the cool one dina!!

deynarashid said...

tu la pasal. maybe, JUST MAYBE i'm picking the cool one. *excited!!*