Wednesday, February 08, 2006



I don’t know what has been happening to me since last night. I am so mentally imbalance right now. It’s like I’m feeling so so edgy and cuak gile babeng unpurposely that I can actually feel something evil is eating up my stomach. Cuak yang sampai sakit perut gile!! I don’t know why!!

I slept at 330am and I unconsciously and abruptly woke up at 6 but I don’t feel sleepy. Well, ngantuk la jugak but not that ngantok especially when you only have less than 3 hours sleep. I am still unsure if there’s going to be a biology test today but the killer thing is, I have read nothing about biology yet I’m typing this crap!!! Helllooo Dinaaa!!!! Wake up laa!!!!!

………………………………………………….I don’t know what to say……………….

I’m certainly not worried about the results tomorrow. Well, cuak gak ah but tak kisah pun menang kalah. Tapi rase mcm ade something else yg ‘not good’ will happen. And dina ni susah sikit, die ade magic. My vision usually comes true. Jeng jeng jeng..

Alang2 cite pasal vision ni, ni ade satu cite menarik gak. Heh.. New comers as in new students as in my junior (ehehh..) yg baru habis spm hari tu baru register kelmarin. Kire diorang dpt scholarship based on their trials and dpt belajar kat sini. Lucky them! They are the first batch to do 18months A-level programme. Anyway, hari tu dah dpt rasa yg N@zirul (budak pulun a.k.a 4leper kat Langkawi dulu. Huhu..) sure ade among them. Tapi hari tu Mal cite die ade kat Taylors under Petronas. So I was like “ mesti la die tak pegi kyu3m kan..”. So ok je la.. Lepastu kan, the day before diorang register, I don’t know why tapi mmg rase sgt N@zirul akan ade. Tak taula what made me think of that nonsense yg tak sepatutnye dipirkan sebab byk lagi bende nak pikir tp mmg boleh rase la aura N@zirul tu. Huhu.. Lepastu kan….


Masa malam manifesto tu, I went quite early to the hall. Time tu budak2 tu baru register pagi tu so diorang pun kene pegi hall jugak. And on the way tu, tgh jalan nak pegi hall, ade la 2 orang junior laki jalan kat belakang. Tak tahu la kenapa tapi sepanjang2 jalan pegi hall tu, rase mcm kuat gile aura budak tu. Bila dah smpai hall, rase mcm ‘Ish..rase mcm N@zirul ade je kat kolej ni’. Paling2 belakang, terkejut beruk nampak muke die. Rase nak pengsan pun ade. Hahahaha.. Lawak gile. Tegur la die. Hampeh die buleh tak ingat muke suci dan comel senior sorang ni!!!!! Sabar je la. So borak2 laa ngan die. Die under Bank Negara buat ape tah, financial engineering kot. Tak tahu laa..

So, tu la crite die. Heh.. So tengah rase cuak la ni. Tak tahu ape. Hhuhu..

Whatever laa.. I really need to do some revision la. Uish… FOCUS, DINA. FOCUS!!


Anonymous said...

your mind is the greatest aspect which gets the most powerful force to control your feelings. so set your mind up and be optimistic. don't worry, bad thing means the good thing is coming on your way.

Anonymous said...

chemistry tu dina. hayok..salah orang..tak tahu!! huahuahuaaaaa

deynarashid said...

pakcik anon aka im- it's easy to say but it's not that easy to do. but i appreciate that. totally and definitely true

roy- GELABAHHHH!! ko mmg ske sakitkan ht aku kan. eeee..geramnye!!!

Anonymous said...

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!~ ramai ke yg enrol?

deynarashid said...

ermm..11 ke 12 5 je bnm..yg lain self sponsored