Monday, July 17, 2006


It has been a while.. Waking up early in the morning everyday with thousands of things in head and dozing off verrrrryyy late at night just to complete those piling up assignments are just what I’ve been dreading of before the college started. The induction week for the juniors is going on okay so far. The juniors however are not really up to my expectation in terms of their approach towards the seniors and their awareness of the seniority. Not that I’m expecting them to greet me every time they meet me or whatsoever but respect is really what I’m seeking for in them. You just can’t stop from speculating once you’ve seen how they loom the seniors with such a very bad manner. Just imagine if there’s one neophyte meeting you up asking for a signature and you ask them a few questions [come onnnn…typical question like who the sponsor is, where their hometown and whatnot..] and they reply in such a way like “why do you wanna know?” or “why bother?”. Rase macam nak kene sepak kan??

Well, I don’t think these lunatics will do well in this college, seriously. Being ignorant doesn’t help, and I can guarantee you that. But so far, I don’t see any this kind of people in Diamond. Tapi dak2 Diamond mcm blur je sume. I’m not sure if they are the geek kind of people or maybe they are still adapting themselves but they just don’t show them off very much. I’m not asking them to be a braggart whatsoever but, you know, show some interest in joining the family la at least. Last Saturday we had this one introductory ceremony so they were divided into groups and were given 10-15 minutes to discuss and prepare a performance. Not really a performance that require practices or whatever, just introduce themselves in the most interesting way. What we did last year was sketches, pantomimes and singings but this time around, none of them did a sketch and most of them just simply came out and introduce themselves in the lamest way I’ve ever seen [tak supportive punye housecapt! Haha..] but seriously, I was expecting more. Tapi takpela, I don’t want to discourage them so I pretended like they did a good job. Well, some of them really did great tapi most of them agak membosankan la.. In a way, I really think I’m being very judgmental about them, I know and it's too soon. Agak la tak baik senornye. Heh.. But I hope they will change la. Tanye sports ape diorg terer main pon, sume tak geti main sports!! Takkan nak suruh aku masuk sume interhouse match kot. Mati ar beb…. Haish..


There’s one guy, a somewhat problematic student. Name die an@s. At first, I thought he’s the kind of kurang ajar with no manner at all and I was really not pleased for him to be one of the Diamonders. He skipped the first two morning exercises, he came late in every event, he smoked, he just didn’t even bother what was happening around him and he didn’t even know I’m the housecaptain of Diamond [padahal I was the one who talked in front of them during the introductory ceremony as the housecapt] and for sure he didn’t even know that I’m one of the facilitators. The counselor had called him twice [baru masuk brape hari dah kene panggil counselor!] and dah kene lecture dgn housemaster. So in a way I really have this bad impression towards him.

But was I wrong, after some times and after some chats, he’s not like what I thought he was. He’s a private student [and of course anak orang kaye gile babeng ah kan..]. He has never been away from home since he was a child. He’s been schooling in private school since standard one and he is really a mommy’s boy. So, it’s understood why he behaved such way. Yesterday, during the sports and club demonstrations, I saw him sitting alone, berehat2 bawah kipas while others were walking around the sports center [we called it MPH-Multi Purpose Hall]. So I came to him and you know, bertegur sapa la. And then, after a while, we chatted and he traded his feelings and shared his experience. You know what, I really feel honored to be the one whom he told everything to. Not everything la but he really was telling me why he behaved such way, why he could not accept the fact that he’s being away from home and whatnot. He told me that he’s good in foosball and he’s participated in various tournaments in KL, he told me about his previous life, about his working experience in hartamas, about his enjoyable life before he came into this college. At first, before I came to him and engaged him in conversation, I thought talking to him was something that I needed to trudge through, to change him in a way. But it wasn’t that hard. He’s really a nice guy.

Sometimes, it makes me think that this kind of person with such sophisticated character, they need times to get used to everything and people must give them chance to adapt to a new environment. What happened to ana@s was, people judged him too early so macam2 la orang buat speculation, just like what I did at first. Moving away from his comfort zone requires him enormous determination and strength of mind in order to survive in this college. So, siapa lagi nak bagi dia semangat if not friends, seniors and teachers kan? But the approach must be appropriate laa. Like an@s, he doesn’t like people being harsh to him. Lagi orang berkasar, lagi die degil and kurang ajar. Sikit2, lama2 dia belajar la macam mana life kat sini. And I can bet you, he’ll find this place as the best place for him to spend his 18months in and I can tell, he’ll share his valuable experience to his junior taun depan.

On the whole, what I really think I have to do is to give them chance and let them learn on themselves about a life here. And for sure……I miss the seniors so much :( Just can’t wait to see them again this August during the release of their results. And really looking forward to see happy faces again :)

A piece of a great colossus of art. How superb...

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