Thursday, July 20, 2006

Happy Anniversary

‘The first time I saw each and every one’s faces during the registration day, I expected something from you guys. And I believe all of my colleagues were putting as high hope as I was. But what we saw during the first few events was unresponsive and pokerfaced juniors and you were not up to our expectations. But after going through more events, I could see a very constructive improvement amongst you guys. And I believe you guys have learnt a lot especially during the samurai night and I’m proud to say that you guys have applied very well all those criteria of a KYU3M student through out the week. And as of now, you are officially a KYU3M student whom is responsible to fulfill all those missions and visions of our college. What I personally hope is that, when we the seniors leave next year, we want to leave a batch of juniors who we can be proud of..Ok?’

That was basically what I said to the juniors during the last day of induction week. And you are right.. I think I want to take back my words. Yea, I’ve thought of it before. Can’t help myself from being too judgmental can I? Well, the juniors are not that bad after all. Glad to see that they’ve proven me wrong.

Anyways, last night was the batch anniversary for the seniors. It’s been a year now we’ve been together as a batch and nothing can really replace my delightfulness of being one of the KYU3M students. So the juniors were assigned to organize a ‘night’ as a celebration for the seniors. So there were some performances yesterday but the 2nd last performance tu memang lawak tak bleh blah arr. Aku gelak memang tak hengat ah.. Bodoh gile sketch diorang semalam. Memang best arr. Last year we had a stewpid but funny advertisement sketch and this year they did wayang kulit. Lawak gile ah. They somehow did greater than my batch if I must say.

So here are some pictures. Gamba tak lawa sangat sebab pakai camera Akma| [Hehe..]. Nothing much to say. I hope the juniors will do great in everything they do. Oh yea, there’s one pic which I like the most. Reaallllly love the pic. I have something to say bout an@s but maybe next time kot. But what I can say now is, if I were given a chance to have a little brother, I'd be more than happy to have him :)

P/S: Jangan marah eh sarah.. Tak berniat nak curik pet bro awk. Heh.. Jage die elok2 k :)

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