Thursday, August 17, 2006


I was browsing the net and i found this. Sabar je laa.. Hahah.. Mind you, this is lakonan semate2.. KYU3M student takde la sepoyo ini (ye ke? Haha..). The first one was my super duper seniors' production. And the second one was diamond seniors' production. I only found diam0nd's and garn3t's. T0paz and $apphire are not famous enough to be broadcasted on the net. Haha.. Lawak ar jugak.. tapi poyo tahap gaban ah. Heh..

Video done by KMYS / KYUEM students. Hilarious yet informative. Healthiest Jedi ever lol!-Health Awareness Week

Hero/in: Na$yita and Kurt. -Nostalgic Night


izyankhairuo said...

haish kepoyoon bdk kyuem terserlah!;p

deynarashid said...

mungkin juge..tapi saye excluded :P