Monday, September 18, 2006

It's coming..

I know my previous post was a bit emotional and it shouldn't be like that especially when I haven't updated this blog for quite a while. Heh.. But I don't care. The person owes me an explanation, no doubt about it. I know s/he is somewhere around in this college enjoying the moment of seeing me being anxious wanting to know who the person is so badly. Bajet ah ade muke *tut* siot! Kantoi gile ok! Tapi takpe... my day will come and I'm sure about it.

Anyways, I am just done with the D0E (Duk3 0f 3d!nburg#) trial expedition. YAY!! Penat gile babeng tak tipu!!! We had to walk 25 km in two days. The first day was quite ok because we only walked for about 9km but the second day was unexplainably exhausting. Overall, it was extremely fun to have happening people in my group. We cooked cool food like nasik with brahims ayam masak merah, pasta alfredo, macaroni and cheese and roti jem. Kalah duk rumah. Hahaha.. Tapi memang best gile ah bergossip2an di waktu malam [duh! what else could we do best? Heh.. malam pulak tu..], bernyanyi2an sambil jalan2 walaupun penat cam nak pengsan. It was really fun. But the overtiredness was certainly the drawback. But I enjoyed the expedition, really.

Here are some pictures I have. Sorry for the 'not-so-lawa' pictures because I didn't have so much time for editing. But the last picture is the best picture I took after doing some retouching. I was quite touched when @zrie@| praised my skill of taking picture. "Dina, ko punye gambar ade element photography la". Nak menangis kot @zrie@l cakap mcm tu.. sebab terharu sangat. Akhirnye, ade jugak orang yang appreciate my pictures. Hahaha..

I had a meeting just now with the juniors and some of the house committee. We'd chosen the shadow committee [as in the potential people to take over our positions next sem] for the fund raising programme and the house outing. We're not gona have house trip this year for God-knows-what reasons but we're still gona spend some time together outside this college. I'm quite proud for having my pet bro, F@hmi as the Director for the house outing committee. I'm sure gona ask him to run for SC next year. Heh.. I hope they would do their job well.

Anyways, I'm going back this weekend to 'celebrate' the arrival of Ramadhan. I don't know why but when I think about Ramadhan, I can feel something affecting inside. Perhaps it's because of the thought of fasting for the last time in Malaysia [itupun kalau dpt fly nxt yr. Heh..insyaAllah..] and because some other reasons that couldn't be unveiled. Hehe.. The last Ramadhan really left so many traces within me. But whatever it is, I'm really looking forward to meet this Ramadhan in just a few days' time. I hope it would be a better one than before.

That is about all I guess. It's almost 2 now. It's time for me to go to another world :)

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