Monday, October 30, 2006

Being An Economist

Saya berasa sungguh bahagia pada pagi ini. Ha ha..

You know what.. Last night, I had a dream. And it was the most bahagia dream I’ve ever had and the most ridiculous one as well. It was very brief though enough to put me in a daydream for the whole day. Ha ha..

I’m not sure when it happened i.e what year, how old I was but one thing for sure, I was married. Funny, I know. All I remember is, I was in a Selfridges store and I went like ‘Shoot! What am I doing here?!’. I was browsing around, looking for something to buy. And then I saw a handbag with a ludicrous price tag. It said something like 4++ pounds and believe it or not, I took the bag!! I was like ‘Hellooo??? Sejak bile aku beli barang2 mcm ni and sejak bile aku jadik kaye raye ni?’ but I ignored that distracting thought. After paying for that cutthroat price, I called my husband to pick me up. Macho gak ar suare my husband tu. Haha.. So I waited outside the store and not long after that, I saw a brand new merce coming along. Smart gile tak bleh blar!! But darn(!), it wasn’t a beemer. And I walked to the car and went in. And there was my husband… a very handsome drop-dead gorgeous mat salleh guy!!! Ha ha ha ha.. Bangang gile. He had just fetched my SON (???!!!) from his school. I was like ‘Hellooo? Where am I? And who am I?’. Bangang gile kan? Bangun2 je terus gelak sorang2. Hahaha.. Tapi best jugak mimpi bende2 bengong once in a while. He he.. And seriously, it was sooooo different to live in a luxurious life style and also being a mother. Bengong tp best jugak ar ;p

Ok, enough crap. I’m going to be an economist for another 9 days. I know it’s going to be a long week but I’ll be ok I guess. After my econs paper is done, I need to start on the bangsawan stuff and hone my photography and picture-editing skills. I need to distract my mind from the homesickness syndrome and be patient for just ONE more month before I enjoy my long break. Sigh.. really can’t wait for that. Ok, gottago. I have econs class in a bit :) Ta~

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