Sunday, June 24, 2007


My first attempt of posting some of my photos in the Ph0t0 Critic C0rner of the $FC$ forum has finally been achieved! Well, I first thought that the photos are qualified to at least obtain some pleasant comments from the sifus but it happened otherwise. I’m not sure if Bro 2uhr! is one of the sifus but HE’s the one who cakap banyak.

I’m not expecting HIM to go into raptures over the photos but I’m not expecting HIM to belittle me and put me off either. I’ve told them I’m still new in the field and am still learning and I was hoping HIM to understand my situation tapi bagi komen macam aku ni bodoh gile x tau pape. And what really put me down is, HE said I was bluffing by saying that the photos are taken in beijing. “Gambar makcik tgh carving tu macam kat CM je!”, “If you said it’s in london pun I’d still believe you sbb gambar mat saleh!” Cis.. Bengong!! Tensyen gile ok. That’s insulting, really.

Nevertheless, at the same time, HE did give some constructive critics and ways to improve my photos. Well, I thank HIM for that but my mood is wandering off the point now. Banyak betul dugaan. Like what I’ve said before, there’s nothing easy in this world. Sigh..


Anonymous said...

someone asked me, "kenapa dina tu emotional sejak akhir2 ni?". so, you pick the answer.

deynarashid said...

ahahahahaha klaka2. td baru angah aya ckp "laa ni pesal emo2 ni" sbb gadoh ngan icah pasal pen bengong. adoi!!!! hahaha.. ckp dkt that person, "biase la, dpt boyfriend baru mmg tensyen nak kene layan." ;P