Tuesday, March 15, 2005

A Contemplating Session

I've just deleted one of my favourite blogs from my bookmarks just now. She's decided to stop blogging and it partially discourages me though. Hmm.. The other day, that Mr.Anonymous who've been writing about the bitchy flatmate posted the final entry. And the next day, my another favourite blog has been concluded.

Haih, wut's up people?? You dont have to update your blog every single day right? It's just for the sake of fun. People might be interested to read something different. And the blogs that I've been reading are really the amusing and relishable ones. I myself not really sure how far I can go with this blog. Maybe just for a couple of months. Or perhaps another several weeks or days. Or maybe it ends here??? Ermm..Not yet I guess. It's ok. I'll keep blogging as posibble as I can.

Anyhow, Aimran called me up yesterday. I was quite shocked by the buzz anyway. I know that he's gonna be around in Malaysia for this period of time but never expected his call that soon. We talked a lot. Mostly about his new car and what he does nowadays in France. And he's actually flying to Sydney this morning. And later will be gone to New York and Monaco and bla and bla. You travel a lot man!!

For the first time of my life, I do actually have a friend with a huge aim and target for his future life. I'm actually not really sure what kind of targets that he aims but I'm pretty sure they are some kinda money making stuff and being somebody great one day. Well, he once told me about building a medical school in northern state of Malaysia. And having a share with Yayasan Al-Bukhary (or perhaps another big company). And he even hopes to beat the most famous and richest French businessman (I keep forgetting his name *lol*). And maybe one day he's gonna flee the country of France?? *awes with blinking eyes* Heh..No no, he said he's not gonna be a politician. They sound quite insane to me or I bet to most of people but they arent to Aimran. He's really the ambitious type of person and I actually am proud of him.

To be frank, it was really a nice chat. He talked about the currency stuff, rate of exchange, convertion of euros to RM, how he manages to survive in that highly civilized and demanding country, how he earns that ammount of money, getting his dream house with a olympic-size-pool (Heheh..) how he manages to get the EU licence ( at least I can get myself prepared to get one one day. Hehehe..) and much more. Somehow I really got myself lost in contemplation. That kind of conversation is what I really need for the time being, to keep my brain works hard on planning my future ahead *sigh* I just cant wait to see him succeed. Because I know he will.

And the best part was when he said: Kalau nak masuk minang orang senang je, bawak briefcase jumpa parents lepastu bukak2 je briefcase ade million dollars. Kalau tak nak, tutup briefcase and babai laa..Hahahaha..And I was like: What??? Tak nak?? *confused* Hehe..

And the other best part was when we chatted about 'Lelaki Berwawasan'. It's just really hard to find an ambitious guy with a well-planned future in head and yes, of course laa baik and ada pegangan agama. I'm not trying to be a perfectionist but I just hardly find one. Ok laa, not to be very demanding, at least I can feel secure if I settle up with him. Hmm.. Ok, let me show you the difference between the one that I answered to Johan (my homeroom brother) and the one that I answered to Aimran. Not to say that Johan is included in the bad group but it just indicates that it was the best answer I could give to different kind of people.

Johan: Dina, ko tanak carik laki ke?
Me: Ish..malassss.

Aimran: Deyna tak ade boyfriend lagi ke?
Me: Hmm tu laa..Bukan taknak carik tapi susah nak carik lelaki yg berwawasan skrg ni. Semuanya tak boleh harap (Hahaha..Anyone get offended? No offence eh! It's just a reality right?)

And I promtply remembered what Kak Ana said the other day: Sekarang ni susah sangat nak carik lelaki yg berwawasan. Bukan tak ada tapi susah sangat laa... Yes, Kak Ana!! You're tottally right!!! *nods vigorously* YES YES.. Heh.. Just like I said, not all guys are slothful and reluctant. Just a few but the ambitious ones are fewer. Haih, kinda tough eh? I'm still young nonetheless so, still have time to look for one *winks*

Ok, I think that is all. Lunch is waiting =)


Anonymous said...

"ambitiuous is good but TOO ambitious?"...heh... laki berwawasan?...herm...susah ke bak carik...ape sebenarnya definisi berwawasan ni...aku sendiri pun tak paham dan aku yakin ramai LELAKI yang tak tau pun pasal 'lelaki berwawasan' ni...kalau maksud 'lelaki berwawasan' ialah lelaki yang penuh dengan ambitious dan well planned future...it's not hard to find...hahah...trust me...tak susah...cuma maybe orang pompuan susah nak carik kerana 'ambitious'nye yang tidak menarik minat atau pada pandangan orang lain,TAK BERNILAI or NONSENSE tapi pada laki itu sendiri,ambitious tuh la yang paling die impikan dan sanggup lepaskan sumer demi ambition die tuh...huhu...and for all the girls...lelaki yang well-planned adalah lelaki yang berjaya mengurus hidup die dengan jayanya.and thats why we call it well planned...haha..aku tersenyum sendirian bila baca part meminang tuh...huhu...teringat kat satu baris lirik 'butterfingers' "perempuan zaman moden,nak ayam tambatan,ataupun anak sultan,lupa daratan!"...heh...

anyway...jangan sesaper pun terasa kay..ini hanyalah ape yang aku raser dan apa yang aku pikir...jujur dari sudut hati aku...so...haha....we laugh again!

deynarashid said...

afar!!!!exam penat haa?hahah..kesian kesian..meh laa bersantai kat bangi..aku bawak round2..hahaha..poyo jee la tapi..hehe

hmm..lelaki berwawasan eh??bagi aku,berwawasan is die tau ape yg die nak buat for several years ahead and know what he's gonna be in 10 or 20 or 30 years akan dtg..mmg laa kite x boleh nak predict mase depan tp at least die work hard going for what he wants..kalau too ambitious bagi aku cam ok je..tapi jgn laa sampai x hidup..tu melampau2 ah..hehe..ntah arr..maybe sbb dak2 lelaki batch aku mmg sumenye x bleh harap kot..hahaha..(korg jgn marah!!heh..) just like i said, bukan x de tapi cam payah laa..betul laa ape ko kate tu..maybe ambition diorg tak kene ngan taste org prmpuan kot..tak pon mmg org lain x paham ape yg diorg nak..aku x kesah pun,just nak tau yg diorg ade laa plan..and plan yg berguna laa!!!..kdg2 tu aku tanye kawan aku, "ntah laa..tgk ah camne nnt"..i mean like, at least laa ade plan dlm pale otak..ni tak, habiskan duit mak bapak no 1..pastu asyik nak berjoli je..aish,susah susah..tak pe, aku rase encik muz kire berwawasan jugak ah..hahaha!!

hmm..lupa daratan eh??mule2 cam terase sket tp pikir2 balik, 'aku mana ade lupe daratan! ok je..' mate duitan mungkin ah..hahahahaha!!!..x de ah..tu sume duniawi..cewah!aku x de ah mate duitan sgt..ngehehe..nway, thanx for ur comment afar..ni yg aku suke ko bg comment ni..sungguh bernas! heheh..eyh, exam hbs bile?the rest paper tu buat laa elok2 ye..kate nak gitar..heh..

hazwanitcd said...

"ntah laa..tgk ah camne nnt"..< --- this is totally sounds like me... huhu..but 4 all da most i always believe in 'juz go with da flow'... juz like i said earlier.. ups and down..juz ups and no down.. u'll lost da thrills....n juz downs n no ups ull lost da fun... haha.. laugh out loud....

my opinion bout guys.. da definition is not so hard...afar is rite.. berwawasan 4 sure berlambak... but i prefer understanding... there r less guys which understand gurls nowadays.. i met few... i mean lots of them yg x paham langsung ..not being appreciative nor approving anything we,gurls do... ahax... i may sound so sensitive or even gurlish.. but dats da truth... it's not that i meant i understand lifes better.. its da truth... i went through life where da rich n da famous, da poor n innocent went through... dis hectic world worth nutin with those non-understanding ppls... ahax... selfish controls them....eh silap lak...ego rr tuh...

deyna kalo akoo x tulih blog n juz giving comments...k or not?.. wakakkak cam ko nak bacer jer..huhu weyh akoo benti kejer end of dis month... ble nak hangout??.... congrats 4 ur outstanding result... pphal msg gue yaaa.... hepi gler with da nu hp...chowww....a'kum

Anonymous said...

UNDERSTANDING...bahaya perkataan nih..i lost my very first girl is because this word...lot of my frens lost their girls because of this...and..hey..not only the LELAKI yang ade masalah ni kay...kalo nak ikut,kalo dah nama hidup berdua (tak kira ar baru couple ke atau dah kawin) both must be UNDERSTAND each other...so...nobody should be blame on this..we must look from the both side..the bright and the dark side..satu lagi...aku rase it's not 'less guys which understand girls' tetapi less guys and girls try to take time and understand each other'...it's just a matter of time and not being EGOIS...haha...ego...aku pernah merasa jadi this type of person...it's great to have some egoistic but not too much...

"egoku terhina tercicir dipinggir,lalu ku tergelincir"
(cuai from butterfingers...you should hear the 'SELAMAT TINGGAL DUNIA' ALBUM...good music and good lyrics too...and surprisingly,it's in BAHASA MELAYU.)

deynarashid said...

UNDERSTANDING!!!!yess yess yess..i'd been looking for this word man!mane ilang ntah..eheh..i need this word to keep going on the life but i HHHAAATTE this word bcause..hafiz never understands me (sorry ah bang..serious tak tipu..haha) and neither me.hehehe..so,fair and square ah ye tak?mmg ah kalau nak carik laki yg understanding,sporting,berwawasan,KAYE(sorry,kene mention gak..hehe) dan perfect laa,mmg tak wujud.so,kesimpulannye,jadilah org yg baik supaya mudah utk dina pilih..wahahahahaha..merepek gilee.. betul ah afar,those girls and guys dont make an effort to understand each other.and even if one of them do,the other doesnt,mmg x leh lame.and nobody should get the blame.ah wait,those who are not understanding should get the blame.yes..hhehe..those who are not understanding doesnt mean they are ego.partially,they are.but ade jugak org ego yg understanding kan?aku ego ape..serious x malu ah nak ckp..hehehe..best kan afar jadik ego??but not too much..nnt org kate 'wei..igt bessss ke!!!' wlpun aku akan balas 'mmg aku bess!lagi bess dr hang!'.hehehe...

eh wani.. "ntah laa..tgk ah camne nnt"<--sumpah x de kene mengena ngan ko..hehe..jgn ah stop blogging..dont hav to update every single day..update once a month pon ok..hehehe..aku bace punye!!kalo ko nak bg comment,go ahead..aku suke..hehe..bile nak hang out??bile dah pencen bgtau aku..nnt aku konfem balik bile aku free..

hahaha..abg eh afar?apsal tak adik?negehehe..comel comel..try ah tanye kat abah ko..kalau result ko gempak cam x de masalah je..heheh..eyh,how much did u get from the butterfingers eh?they shouldve paid u for the promotion..hahahaha..