Monday, March 14, 2005

Tag, You're It!

' According to the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 'Tag' is defined as a game played by two or more children in which one child chases the others and tries to touch one of them. This child then becomes the one who does the chasing. And 'Tag, you're it!' is what you yell after you have touched those whom you are chasing.

It's not traditionally played by the kids nowadays but when they have reached a situation where they need something different kind of game, this 'Tag' game will get their pick.

"Kriiiiiiiiingg.." the bell rang and it was time to went home. Andrea strolled down the road, tracing her steps back home. Suddenly, Jeremy tapped on her shoulder "Tag, you're it!"

"Hey, that is unfair! I'm the one who should do the chasing.."

"Haha..No, I'm starting the game from the beginning," he grinned.

"No way! Then, you'll be playing on your own!!" she exclaimed. They ambled along the road together.

"Hey, chill mate!." "So, what's your plan during this holidays?" Jeremy tried to engage Andrea in conversation.

Ignoring the question, Andrea's eyes were immediately drawn to a little girl, plopping down on a park bench, all alone. "Jeremy, do you know that girl? She looks blameless. What is her name? I've never seen her around before." Andrea seemed unduly perturbed by that little girl.

"Oh, that's Elizabeth. Yea, she seldom get herself into the crowd. I dont really know about her but I've heard about her mother though. They say that her mother is suffering from a cancer for years. I'm not really sure what type of cancer but the mother's infirm to remain at home. That's why she looks quiet, almost taciturn, young girl."

"Awful.." was the only word whirled through her head.

It was last spring, when Andrea entered her house and her mother promptly leant over to embrace her daughter and said something that would be the last thing in her mind. "Honey..The pain returns. The doctor said I have to restart responding to treatment."

Those were the bittest words she had to swallow. And it hurts. And she had to endure the agony inside. Nothing can describe the torments she went through while waiting for her mother to recover from laukeamia. She thought that her mother would be gone forever. But miracle cured and doctor said her mother could go through the days normally. But that was several years ago...

Her mother was the only friend she had who would always be there for her no matter when, no matter what. But since her mother had to spend most of her time in hospital, she had nobody else to turn to. Her days were not as beautiful as she used to live in. She became quiet at school, her reputation dropped and she gave up in everything she did.

Time flew hastily. Now, Andrea's mother had just recovered for the second time. But that was only for that particular period of time. She never knew what would happen in the days ahead.

Just like usual, she went straight home after her classes. On the way back, she happened on Elizabeth.

"Hey, are you Elizabeth?" Andrea tried to break the ice.

"Err..Yea.." She stuttered. She didnt seem like enjoying new companion.

"Errmm..If you want to tell me anything, feel free to do so. I've heard about your mother from Jeremy. I hope she's doing better now. I know how you feel. My mother used to suffer from leukeamia years ago. But she's okay now.". . . Elizabeth didnt give any respond.

" you want to play tag?" Andrea asked without any good reason. Still, Elizabeth didnt seem to get herself into the conversation.

"My mother died last spring. I have always known that she deserves to be somewhere else where she can live life happily." Elizabeth finally spoke up. Her eyes gleamed with tears. She looked down and started to walk away.

That was very dismal. Andrea had always knew that the bereaved always live in this vale of tears. When she started to retrace her steps, she suddenly felt somebody tapped her on the shoulder.

"Tag, you're it!" and that was the first time Andrea saw she smiled....'

And the story ends. Hehe.. That was what I wrote for my triple-one-nine and Alhamdulillah, those people repaid it as an acknowledgement.

[Athirah, ni dah di'edit' berjuta kali sbb terlupa jln cite cam ne. Heheh.. Plus minus ah.. Heh..]

[Abg Lan, I've read your profile in e-sastera. And I'm verrrry proud of you =) Keep up the good work!]


Anonymous said...

hahaha..patutlah rasa cam lain jer dina...
tapi kita rasa yang awk buat dlm 1119 tu lagi best kot...
sbb kita baca mlm tu lagi best jer....
huhu... CONGRATS again!

- athirah

Anonymous said...

wah wah wah..bukan main lagi ye..hahaha..aku yakin jalan cite tu ko cilok dr mane2 ntah..hahahahahahaha..btol kan?

deynarashid said...

tu ar thirah..terkapai2 gak..hahaha..mmg terpesong ah..merepek..hehe..thanx nway

sebok ah sya..syuh syuh!!