Sunday, March 06, 2005


It was a bad night. I couldnt sleep until 3 am even after been forced. I closed my eyes tight until they were tired enough. And that was already in the wee hour of morning. I dont know. Too much things wandering around my mind.

At that particular moment, what I really scared of was thinking about my result. Perhaps, people have put their high hopes and expactations on me and that makes me more dwelled on.

Somehow, I was pulled into a ruminating and lost in a reverie of somebody. I've known him like four or five years back (cant really recall). We were quite close back then but things didnt go in our own way so we lost contact like several years and now, we just keep up with each other's updates via the internet and the blogs.

When I feel like I am a total failure and lost in my sinful world, I keep praying to God, to meet me with somebody who can at least remind me of the reality; being a slave to God. Somebody who can at least guide me in any way possible. Somebody who can at least put a tad of hope in me to go on with this life. Somebody who can at least trust in me. Somebody who can at least makes me to get a grip on myself. Somebody who can at least acquaint me with religious consciousness. And I thank to God for giving me the chance to know him.

Throughout the night, I thought of this person. And when I woke up this morning, I got a new email from "Somebody must have given a comment on my blog." And there, his name stated vividly within my sight.

Thanx bro Amir Mukhriz. May God bless you through all the years.


Anonymous said...

relex ah dina.everything will be's ppl who put high expactations on you but you yourself know what is the best for yourself.and juz keep on doa kat Tuhan that u'll get what u grateful and redha je,you'll feel more peaceful.

deynarashid said...

heh..thanx nway..aku redha je..sampai dah malas nak pk..hehe..juz wait n see