Thursday, October 13, 2005


Today is the best day of the week. Why you ask? Because I have four free-blocks, which means I have no class for the whole day except a biology class at 1445. For that reason, I’m not going to waste the opportunities of getting up late and chatting with my friends over MSN; and of course updating this blog. And the best part is, I’m typing this IN MY ROOM. Yes, finally the internet in my room is accessible. Yay!! So lepas ni takde laa selalu balik rumah lagi. Ahah.. And FYI, I’m not going back until raya because my semester exam is just around the corner so better stay the course and not weigh Dad down to fetch me up. In other words, it helps in saving the fuel! Oh well..

Have I mentioned about the semester exam? Yes, it’s next week. My dreary biology practical will start the week off which I don’t fancy at all. Not because it’s the first paper or whatsoever but because it’s a PRACTICAL exam. Most of my practical experiments did not work out accurately so I have the right to view this with some trepidation. *sigh* Well, the good thing is, I’m not going to have classes for the whole examination week. Yahoo! Exam pun ade 4 paper je which is on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning (je!) and on Saturday morning!! The rest of the times, I can do my favourite pastimes; tidooooo + surf internet + chatting + tengok DVD Friends that I brought along from home + download songs + burn CDs (I don’t have an Ipod or MP3 player or whatever so yea, I use the conventional way T_T) + buat benda2 merepek lain. Ah, what a life!

Actually, I’m planning to go home next weekend, after my semester exam. Have been thinking to hitch a ride from Syiqin’s but yesterday, Encik Ruzaini said there will be a dinner at a sea food restaurant in Tanjung Malim next Saturday so MIGHT not going back. Tapi teringin nak balik jumpa Nazme. Hmmm.. Ntahla, tak balik kot. Not sure yet.

Ok laa, need to do some revision. Tak bace pape lagi ni. Adeh! Wish me luck! Till then..

[note to Syaq: Here’s my ELLI results. Bangge sket. Hahaha.. Kidding =P You sure get a complete circle. Cis!
RUSHDINA- *She believes that through effort her mind can get bigger and stronger. She gains pleasure and self-esteem from expanding her capacity to learn. *She may question information before accepting it but could still be more enquiring in her approach. *She can link information between subject areas and across learning contexts and create personal relevance from what she learns. *She may try a range of techniques in trying to solve a problem but may still be able to look at more options. *She will accept and handle a challenge provided it is not too difficult. *She is aware of some of her own strengths and weaknesses and thinks about a task in advance, but could see ahead and plan more thoughtfully. *She could get better at sharing ideas with others and also working independently on her own when needed.]


Anonymous said...

good luck for yr exam :) bukan main lagi bilik kalah my room. patut away memanjang, dah ade internet kat bilik rupenye.ceh! dah encik ruzaini kate ade dinner, takkan nak balik kot? :p rindu sgt kat nazme sampai nak miss dinner ke? huehue joke2 -narmi

Anonymous said...

blk aku lg best ade flat scrin desktop lepastu ade webcam lepastu ade gitar lepastu ade collection of dvds lepastu..lepastu..nak list ke? haehae! ni konfem chatting je keje tk sdor diri nak exam. ish ish dina, bile ntah nak insaf.

ececece nak blk konon. bukan ko mmg looking forward to a dinner dgn..oopss terkantoi!

deynarashid said...

im- thanx.nak balik kot.x sure laa sbb ade hal tp unfortunately weekend tu compulsary stay tp nak blk jugak boleh x? biar ar kalau dina x pegi dinner tu bukannye ikan n ketam mati ke ape. cis..bad joke im.bad joke

boroy- ek eleh..begaaaaaaaaaa.poyo siot.x heran.bilik abg amir lg best.bluwek! aku cam ragu2 nak delete ke x comment ko tu.penuh dgn unsur2 yg tidak sihat.hurmm..aku benci btol org yg ske kecoh2 ni

Anonymous said...

wakaka....takkan nak balik kot dina..mmgla ikan dgn ketam tak mati tapi kalau ade benda lain yg mati cemane??kakaakkaka roy straight forward btol.kalau orang tu check out blog ko dina, habis ah kantoi.wakakaka....ala dina,bukan slalu silat buat dinner,pegi je la ngadengade btl

Anonymous said...

ehlekk22 sape syaq?aku igt ko silap eja nama aku.kurenggggggggggggggggggggggggg

deynarashid said...

sya- still in dilemma since next week would no longer be a compulsary stay so nak balik!!!!! ish,tp silat kannye slalu wat syiqin balik so nk tmpg!!!hmmm..

syaq tu dak alvl kat spore.xknal sgt pun knl thru bloghopping je kbtln die buat bende alah ELLI tu.x kose aku nak ltk name ko.heh..