Sunday, January 29, 2006

Let Allah decide

I sat staring out of the window as if in trance. My laptop laid idly on the desk; waiting for my attention. I missed someone. The chat we had before sounded as if it was the last time we had before he fly off to UK this september. 'Let it be' I said to myself. The creaky hinge of the door brought me round. 'Oi, berangan!' anid's voice broke the silence air. I threw my face onto the monitor. 'Takde ah..tengah buat econs assignment' I tried to change the mood. Anid jumped onto the bed, trying to strike up an interesting conversation with me.

'Dina, ko suka tak nama adam?' she asked me. I smiled to myself 'Suka'. 'Apsal ko tanye?' I replied. 'Nanti aku nak namekan nama anak aku adam ah' her laughter unlocked my happy mode. 'Aku pun laa. Haha..' and the conversation carried on till midnight.

And then just now, I stumbled upon this blogsite. It touched my sensitive heart, made me feel like crying. I could feel the lost. I could feel the sorrow. It made me think that every people that we love might not be beside us all the time. Some might go first because Allah loves them more. It made me call to mind what he said the other day 'Berserah sajalah kepada Allah. Allah Maha Mengetahui dan Dia tahu apa yang terbaik untuk kita. Kalau Allah tak kabulkan apa yg kita mahu, redha sahajalah dengan ketentuanNya. InsyaAllah Dia kabulkan doa kita pada waktu lain dgn sesuatu yg lebih baik atau dengan cara yang lebih baik. InsyaAllah..'


max said...

setiap yang berlaku ada hikmahnya. dalam 3 bulan ni akak dah dengar banyak version of that statement dan itulah yang akak pegang to keep my sanity. thank you for visiting the blog.

deynarashid said...

sesungguhnya Allah lebih mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk kita :) glad u're strong enough to keep going on this life and will always be, insyaAllah

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