Thursday, March 24, 2005

The Actual Thing

Check some of the following basic non-verbal cues and you'll recognize that you already speak and translate much of the language. I got this from the internet and the un-italic phrase is what they think the person want to say. But I think I have my own interpretations. And I was wondering, how do people act if they wanna say "Hey engkau, engkau sungguh menjengkelkan.." Urggh..That sounds bad, Dina. Heh..

"Well, I'm Shocked!" Does that how she supposed to look like? I'd rather say "Oh my God, how stupid I can get!?" or "Oh no...I'm soo ugly!" Haha..

"I'm Surprised!" Hmm..Klakanye muke dia tekejut.Heh..

"All right!" Well,you can say that the dude's way happy eventho his fist is clenched. A fake smile eh? Hah..

"I dont know why I even bother going out with you!" And the man was like "Yea yea, whatever you say honey.." Haha..Tak gune punye laki.

"You're wrong!" "No, you're wrong!" Haha..Ade ke gadoh camtu. With pinky background. Macam nak buat videoclip je.Tahpape..

"Bummed" Hmm..He looks like a sleepwalker. Mamai kot..Heheh..

Mother:Listen up!
Daughter:Lemme outta here! No comment. I sometimes act the same way. Hehe..


Anonymous said...

ahax deyna ko amek rr gambo ko wat muker2 cam2... yg model partner ko rembat rr memaner mamat..
sure kewl... n da mother n daughter part lak... u can shoot 4 real ....when it really happens...

sure gempak abes...
wakakakak....leh akoo wat public post... deyna da crazy model.. lol.

deynarashid said...

hahaha..hampeh wani..muke aku x sesuai nak jadik org gile.hehe..tapi kalo ko degil nak jugak kite boleh sign contract =P hah..boleh aku berbangge "wani is a die-hard-fan of deyna"..hahaha..ok,aku dah start nak gile ah ni..

Anonymous said...

gambar last tuh buat aku teringat masa aku pi teman mak aku dinner kat satu hotel(nama hotel tu terpaksa dirahsiakan!)

tengah-tengah sedap mak aku bercakap ngan aku,tiba-tiba ada sorang awek lalu and mata aku terus terpaku kepada gadis itu dan hanya telinga aku sajer yang mendengar percakapan mak aku tu...and the pict of the situation mesti macam dalam gambar last tuh..hahahaha...

deynarashid said...

rahsie eh afar? musykil..hehe

ko memang..cube laa jage sket mate tu cik abang at least laa telinge ko dgr gak..kalau aku,tibe2 nmpak z4 yg sungguh macho,aku rase aku ckp kat mak aku 'jap mum...nak tgk kete tu jap' (sambil berlari2 anak kononnye nak mengejar z4 tu) hahahaha..wut did i say eh??hoh..merepek saje..hehe