Tuesday, February 28, 2006

big sigh ;^^

March 20 - April 18
Someone has just turned on the fan, and papers are flying everywhere, dear Aries. The pace of things is picking up and you are scrambling to pick up the pieces. Stay in close communication with others today, for this will be your saving grace. You may require the assistance of others to help fetch the stack of important documents that has blown across the room. Keep a close eye on things so you don't loose your place in the game."
Provided by Astrocenter.com
I’ve never believed in horoscope. Although it might seem right sometimes but to me, personally, I think it’s rubbish. It's just a way for them to induce people to believe how perceivable and convincing they can be. And people start to put thoughts into it and try to accept it as true. Maybe to some extent, it might seem relevant but just for the sake of learning, not believing. Oh these people, they are really good at this kind of thing. Miraculously however, the above is exactly what I’m facing right now. I'd rather prefer my intuitive sense to this. Hehe.. Oh well..

Ok people. I’m hoping so much that I won’t flunk tomorrow’s test and keep my fingers crossed. It’s already 3. I’m totally dead, I know. Nite!


Anonymous said...

keep chillin`!

deynarashid said...

takbley..lembah bringin ni panas gile..kdg2 je ujan ;p

Anonymous said...

dina!!!!byk bende ko owe kitorg ni..cepat update!

deynarashid said...

heh..bz ah sya