Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The General Trend is An Increase.. *sigh..chemistry punye pasal la ni T_T*

LOVE is a topic that would create two-ways conversation. People like to talk about it and people like to hear what other people would say about it. And people like to give feedbacks on it. It’s not a new thing. And it is the most oft-cited topic I have to bear with most of the time. I don’t like when people start to ask me about ‘pacaran’ (except for Mum) and I’m not interested to look for one for this moment. Not because I hate to love and to be loved. Duh, who does??! But it’s just hard for me to find the right one at least for the time being. People might say I’m a perfectionist. Hell I’m not. It’s just hard for me to find the one with the same ‘frame of mind’ as me. That’s all..

Just now, after asar, I felt a bit tension. Maybe because the idea of going-back-to-college-soon hit me and the ever piled-up chemistry assignment keeps haunting me day and night so, I called Sarah to tag along with me to somewhere I could find my own space. And we went to Putrajaya and hung out at Tasik Cempaka. At first, I didn’t want to go to that tasik. I hate that place. I mean, I really loathe that particular spot. Why you ask? Old story, am not pleased to bring it up. But I was definitely prevailed upon to go back to the past. Well, anyway…

The moment she struck up a fairly not interesting conversation with me (err..yea, about that run-of-the-mill thingy), I started to get into ‘my own life’. Tak larat la nak dengar dia bebel pasal benda yang aku tak suka. I tried not to make my I-am-sooo-bored face too obvious so I took out my sweetheart and started to take some pictures. Believe me, I’d be very glad if she was not around and have my own leisure time, clicking and getting high. But yea, I was the one who rang her up, so terpaksala bersabar. Heh.. I actually don’t mind if she wanted to just have a chat over it but when it comes to “Takkan ko takde suke sape2 (ade..tapi..tapi….Heh ;p) Ko KENA carik dina kalau tak bla bla bla..”. Aduhai…kesian kat telinga aku ni. I don’t know. Am I that bad for treating her that way? I mean, pretending like I was with her when I was actually not? It just didn’t get into my style!

I’m not sure whether it is really the nowadays trend or is it just me who have finally got into a ‘new world’ but people around me started to talk about ‘getting engaged’ and ‘betrothal’ and of sorts. ‘People’ here I meant is those who are STILL my age and 2-3 years older. Or are we practicing the old tradisional custom??

There’s Mum’s friend’s daughter who was apparently studying in my college and is now reading dentistry in Newcastle is coming home this summer with a planning to get engaged with her one-year senior who was at the same college and is at the same Univ. Hmm.. Coincident eh? I don’t know. Oh, and she’s only 21! And then, there is a friend of mine (yea, she’s 19) will be getting married in 2 years’ time. And a diamond housemate of mine is already betrothed to someone with the same age. And Izyan just told me the other day about her friend who has just got engaged. And then…let me see.. Oh yea, Sarah’s friend (Max’s friend too. Apparently! Hah!) is getting betrothed to her senior before he flies off to uk. And…ermm, let’s just not get into listing shall we?

I’m not trying to be so cynical whatsoever but you get what I mean? No? Then, you should stop reading this. Mum pernah tanya hari tu, “Dina takde contact budak tu lagi ke?”. “Siapa?”. “Alaa yang doctor tu”. “Owh..Tak. Malas. Nak buat apa. Dia dah nak kawen dah (kot..agaknye. Heh..)” Teringat Aimran cakap hari tu “What? Your ex-boyfriend is someone’s fiancĂ©???”. “Kepale Ho!! He’s engaged after we broke up lah!” and I, by no means will ever have him in my life again. Not even as a friend. Yea, sometimes I can be extremely mean especially to Max. Heh.. Once I’ve tasted the bitter part of it, it’s hard for me to accept the sweetness. Unless I’m getting married. That’s another story la but what I’m pointing out here is, I want to get my dreams done and then I would look for one if I have to. “Susah la dina. Ko dah la nak jadik doctor. Lagi susah kalau tak kawen2 lebih2 lagi once ko dah graduate as a doctor.Takkan ko tanak kawen?”. “Hohoo..mesti ar nak!!”. (Macam dalam cerita 'Seindah Mawar Berduri', Khazinatul Asrar cakap dekat kawan dia sambil tersenyum "Saya teringin juga melahirkan umat Nabi Muhammad"..) Oh well…

Whenever people bring that up, I’d say to myself.. ‘Aku kena yakin dengan janji Allah’ because I know, somehow, my other part is somewhere out there. And one day I will meet him in any way. So, no worries lah kan?? But yea, prayer has always been my daily practice :)

So, here’s the one I took. Mind you, I’m not a professional and I don’t have those bombastic fantastic lenses and I hardly have any photographing skill and I am still ‘terkapai2’ with Adobe Photoshop (YET!!) so, you cannot and should not expect more. Heh..Fine, tak lawa but believe me, taking this picture really gives me pleasure. I liiiiike it! I LOOOOVVVEEEE it! Thanx sweetie ;p


Anonymous said...

salah satu kelemahan orang melayu...adalah..(pada pendapat aku)...tidak berapa berani mengatakan sesuatu yang kita tidak suka yang mungkin boleh mengakibatkan orang lain tercedera dengan perkataan kita...btw,gambar tu takler hebat maner...baik amik pakai digicam aku je..waahahahaha...(I've saved more money when i'm not in LOVE with you!)

deynarashid said...

doktor- betul. same la pendapat kite. cumanya, aku dah kenal kawan aku tu dekat 10tahun jugak and i noe how she would react if i resented everything she said. kalau aku cakap pun, dia bukannya akan tercedara, makin agresif ade la. so, ignorant at that time was the best thing to do. ~good photographer would definitely want to create an inspiring snapshot but how inspiring the picture is could never tell how s/he felt the moment s/he gets the power to stop the time~ maknenye, kalau sehebat mane pun gambar tu, org yg tgk takkan boleh bayangkan prasaan die time tu camne. and tak semestinye kalau die gune canon eos350d dengan lense beribu2 ringgit and die retouch gune adobe akan buat org kate gmbr die hebat. gune analog camera pun boleh hasilkan gmbr yg hebat! and betul, gune digicam ko pon bleh hasilkan gmbr yg lg hebat!! ehem! yg last tu lyric lagu ye bang? sangat menarik!! save byk bende senonye, bukan duit je *ahaks*

Anonymous said...

orang aries memang panas baran ek? ego betul

deynarashid said...

*ahaks* abg aku ye kot. tapi aku baik. betul x tipu ;p jgn la bersikap tidak sopan encik/puan/saudara/saudari anon di blog org. kalau ada apa2 yang tak puas hati, luahkan kat blog sniri ok? jasa baik anda amat dihargai. trime kaseh

Anonymous said...

orang aries panas baran?ego?....kiranya kebanyakan orang lelaki melayu dan perempuan melayu adalah orang aries ek?wahaha...setahu aku,bukan saja orang aries,orang marikh,zuhal,neptune,orang yang-tah-kat-mana-dia-duduk,sumer panas baran....herm...bout the pict,aku raser kalo gambar tuh lawa adalah gambar yang dapat menangkap pandangan 3-d orang yang tgk serta berjaya mencederakan jiwa si pemandang...takyah nak pakai adobe...aku kalo amik gambar tak lawa,aku delete je..wahaha..takder kejer nak touch up...bak kate daniel johns,we don't use any pro tools or some cool programming to record our song,we did the old skool way just to keep the originality..and they sound much greater!...rock on silverchair!

Anonymous said...

ko panas baran ke dina??ego ye la sangat tinggi..aku pun kalah..hilang kemachoan aku..haahaha..ala gambar aku ambik pakai sony ericsson aku lawa jugak ape...takpe dina, kalau ko dah ade dslr eos350d ko tu, ko tunjuk satu dunie, dr. rushdina masih mampu mencurik hati dan perasaan orang..tapi kecuali aku aaa..ade orang tu reject aku maa..hahahahaha