Saturday, May 05, 2007


Along Ima called me last night, asking about ESQ Preview. She wants to go to the preview first before she goes for the real training. Aku sangat terharu n bersyukur :) But memang all this while Along Ima je yg memahami kenapa aku terlalu enthusiastic about this. Moga Allah membuka hatinya dan hati2 family aku yg lain..

Yesterday I had a falling-out with m0m@d. For the first time aku TERtengking die depan orang ramai. Actually, aku dah lame bersabar dengan dia [he once said 'mulut dina tu memang macam b**i']. And semalam tu tahap kesabaran aku dah sampai tahap maximum threshold dah. Huhu.. Although I admit that it was my fault for inadvertently involving in his so-called personal life [though that's not my intention. Like I really care about him. D'oh!], I didn't expect him to blame me and make me look like a fool. For the rest of my time petang tu tak dpt buat ape sebab sangat bengang. So I went swimming and calmed myself down. Malam tu dah ok dah. I texted him and said sorry bla bla bla. Now, everything is back to normal :) And what makes me flattered is when he said 'Ala dina, u are part of my network of fren. Maybe if you're not in, i'm less cheered and not who i am today. Thanx 2 u..'. This fella memang bengong sket. But whatever it is, I'm gona miss him once he's away la. I have to admit that he is the ONLY friend whom I cam talk to about photography and cars. And oh yea, when I told him about ESQ Training he said 'Ow patut ko dah berubah sekarang. Lagi menyakitkan hati..'. Aku dah immune dengan segala kata2 die yang menyakitkan hati. Adoi!

Er... Ok, aku sepatutnye buat bende lain pastu dah merepek bende lain. I have class in a bit. Tata~

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