Tuesday, May 22, 2007

On YOU I Depend

One day before I had my Notts interview, Along Ima called me to give her final words. “Don’t be panic. Just smile, be confident and be friendly. Ala takyah risau. Matsaleh2 tu takde kuasa pun. Every decision that they make is all comes from Allah. Apa2 hal pun, Allah yang tentukan segalanya..” and I heaved a sigh of relief.

Tomorrow is going to be dreadful as the first part of my battle is going to take place. I tried to calm myself down these few days but I couldn’t hide myself from sensing the jitters.

But I know no matter how afraid or nervous I am, He will always and always and always be beside me. Someone reminds me of this yesterday and albeit it may sound so cliché, it really gives me inner strength and I dare say this is what makes me strong to overcome the pace.

And for those who fear Allah, He (ever) prepares a way out, And He provides for him from (sources) he never could imagine. And if any one puts his trust in Allah, sufficient is ((Allah)) for him. For Allah will surely accomplish his purpose: verily, for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion. At-Talaq: 2-3.
It might seem simple and easy but to really be tawakkal to Allah without having a slight doubt inside is not as straightforward as it may appear. I’ve been hearing about tawakkal ever since I learnt about it but I had never avoided myself from having the thought of “Alaa kalau tak pas macam mana?” and in this present case, “Alamak, kalau tak lepas requirement university mcm mana? Kalau tak lepas requirement MARA macam mana?”. I can’t keep myself away from that kind of devilish thoughts in mind. It just comes naturally. And without me realizing, they make me afraid to keep moving on in this life.

But yep, I forgot about what Allah has promised in the Quran. If you really, I mean REALLY have a TOTAL DEPENDENCE on Allah, you would never be worried about how your results would come about at the end of the day. Even if you got the worse, you would never feel poignant. NEVER! And that’s when you get to taste the sweetest feelings between you and Allah and you would never dare to question Him over what He has destined you for.

For the moment, I just want to be close to Him. All I want is His LOVE and with that, I will never be alone and will always have Someone beside to look after me especially when I’m away from my beloved family and friends.

Wish Me Luck! :)


izyankhairuo said...

Nabi Yusuf pernah dilamakan Allah utk berada dlm penjara sbb Nabi Yusuf cuma lupa bertawakal pd Allah.mcm tu skali..

dulu rasenye konsep tawakal ni mmg kurang dlm diri.mungkin dulu twkl tu tak betul2 smpai kat hati. setakat "Ya Allah aku bertawakal" tp hati tu tak BETUL2 letak keyakinan pd ketentuan Allah. tu yg sedih ble tak dpt apa yg diharapkan (spm was really a good example here!;p bkn tak blh terima kenyataan tp tak tau nak kate sedih tu sbb ape.n it took me a while to realise the good things behind it. that what He gave was the best for me)

tp Alhamdulillh bila dah makin matang(ecece), dah blaja lagi byk ttg konsep tawakal ni, dah blaja dari pengalaman, dah tgk pengalaman org, lain rasanya.. The end point is already written.usaha kita ni sbb Allah suruh manusia berusaha & as ibadah:)

deynarashid said...

yep, experience really teaches us more about everything. thanx for the gentle reminder izy :)