Friday, May 25, 2007

Mystery Solved

MARA has finally approved our firm and insurance universities. Well, in my case, I don’t have any insurance univ. Ok, so everyone is questioning why I didn’t put Notts as my insurance. Mum pun macam, “Laa kenapa tak letak insurance??” and so on and so forth. The thing is, I filled in the form masa tgh takde mood and macam, what’s the point of having insurance university that entails higher requirements? I want to forget everything about Notts because no matter what my results turn out to be, I’m going to Leicester anyway. It’s either I fly or I don’t. So, yea, goodbye Nottingham. I had a great venture of life thinking about you :)

I’m going back tomorrow. I have to get my passport renewed because I need to have visa before I can fly off to Beijing [so yea, I’m going to Beijing after my finals. Mystery solved! tp tu pun kalo visa lepas ar. Kalo tak lepas, maknenye...berangan je la] and I need to replenish my food stock and other stuff. Duit dah habes! Tu ar, boros lagi. Haha.. And oh yea, the TT crew is going to have another TT session on this 15th July in Bangi, one day before I fly off to Beijing and it’s the most awaited moment for me to meet up all those taikos and otais especially p3t3r L!m!!!! and others. But the thing is, sume yang pegi tu sume otai2. Aku ni, budak tadika yg taktau pape. Malu ar nak join professional2 ni. Dah la aku takde kawan! Ngahaha.. But I’ll try to make it la. Tolong la, masa keemasan I tau! I hope I would be able to go.

I don’t really have things to blog about actually. Just feel like hitting this keyboard. I’m experiencing a hard phase handling with my emotions these few days. Tu la, kalau dah ade masalah hati memang susah kan. Sape suruh carik pasal kan. Padan muke la kan. But I'll try not to have it dragged and distracting. TOUGH!~ I’m going to miss Nazme because he’s going to Kota Bharu with Effa, Along Ima and the maid this weekend so aku x sempat nak jumpe. Along Ima has a medical conference ape tah. Abg N0rman tak ikut. Jadi, aku akan merindui nazme dan effa :(

Ok, I need to study for my other papers. My bio paper the other day was ok anyway. No further explanation ok :) Take care, have a nice day!

I love this pic :) Congrats to myself. Hehe..


Anonymous said...

cik adik ade masalah hati? hahaha..

p/s- kalau takde colour kuning kat gambar tu lagi lawa. well, just my two cents. i know i know nothing about photography. duh!

deynarashid said...

eh tak tak. saye ok jeee [keji kamu!]

your two cents is not worth it. hehe.. ye la ye la, thanx for ur two cents. tu edit pakai picasa je meh. mane bleh edit mcm photoshop meh. tp mmg lg lawa kalo complete blue pon. hurmm..