Thursday, May 03, 2007

Ma'at Taufiq!

It’s a nice and tranquil morning. The sky is very beautiful with its tinge of red, orange and blue colour. Since I’ve got my oly back, I took some shots. SubhanAllah..
So I’m back in college. And as usual, it was an unproductive break. I didn’t finish my reading or rather, I didn’t read even one word and yet I forgot that I brought my books along!! But I did go to the book fair though. What I bought:
  • Ayat-Ayat Cinta by Habiburrahman El Shirazy. Oh well.. I’ve been hearing people talk about it but I had never considered going through it because being a judgmental me, I thought it’s a mere love storybook and ntah sejak bile aku tak suke bace buku2 romance ni. Rase macam fake gile and buang mase. But this one is rather a different one I would say. Sue me if you want but I like this book :) ...
    “Hembusan udara sejuk yang dipancarkan lima penghawa dingin dalam masjid menyambut ramah. Alhamdulillah. Nikmat rasanya jika sudah berada di dalam masjid. Puluhan orang sudah berdiri rapi dalam saf solat jamaah. Kuletakkan topi dan beg sandangku di bawah tiang dekat aku berdiri di barisan saf kedua. Kedamaian menjalari seluruh urat saraf dan gelegak jiwa sebaik saja kuangkat takbir. Udara sejuk yang berhembus terasa mengelus-ngelus leher dan mukaku. Juga mengusap keringat yang tadi mengalir deras. Aku berasa tenteram dalam elusan kasih sayang Tuhan Yang Maha Penyayang. Dia terasa begitu dekat, lebih dekat dari urat leher, lebih dekat dari jantung yang berdenyut"
  • Kisah-kisah Para Nabi & Rasul
  • I Am Muslim by Dina Zaman
  • CLICK! Magazine. Now, I’ve started to mull Canon350D over. Blame Abg Amir for that! Wuargh! I told m0m@d and he said “jangan beli canon! Beli Nikon!” and I myself have been thinking to buy Nikon for a long time but not until I read one article in the mag regarding Canon350D. Sekarang dah blur taktau nak beli yg mane. Haih.. And nope, Kak Intan tak reply lagi message aku :( Kiciwa betul.. Sob2..
So that’s about books!

@nid is in dilemma now. Dia kate die dah tak minat nak buat accountancy and what surprised me is, she said biology is fun and easy and she’s considering medicine. I was like laughing-out-loud and rolling-on-the-floor-laughing and I know it’s lame and not funny but @nid and medicine is like water and oil. They can never be mixed.

She likes business. She has always been wanting to have her own company involving international import-export thingy [urgh, I hate econs..] but that’s far too ambitious I guess. It’s not wrong to have such dream but you still need to have short-term aim before you can go any further. Her seniors said that trial won’t help in getting scholarships which to me is ridiculous. Though for me it’s kinda true because I only found that no sponsor wanted to sponsor me after I went all-out for my trial but that’s just because I’m doing medicine. Sape la sangat nak sponsor budak2 medic ni apart from jpa n mara kan. BNM tu lain cite ar. Aku mane la layak dapat special award kan. Petronas pun bengong gak sbb reject aku trus [no izy, u’re not bengong. Heh..] but if you want to do something beside medic, trial is like oh-so-important man! So I told her, “no matter what, just do your best in both trial n real exam. Spm kacang goring man! For what you want to be, decide afterwards but whatever it is, just do whatever your heart says” and I know she’s thankful to have a sister like me and I know she loves me. Hah hah..

So that’s about anid.


My trial is over and I’m not expecting any good results except for maths. At least I think I did maths well. For the rest of other 2 subjects, C is good enough. Huhu.. I have chemistry class at 10 and MARA meeting at 1040. I hope En. Khaizan comes with some good news. So, that’s about me I guess. For my friends in KMB yang dah nak final esok, ma’at taufiq! May Allah guide you throughout the exams.

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